No Business Records will release five LPs and two CDs in the second half of August.
For me the most anticipated release is Ton-Klami's CD. They did release two recordings in the 90s on Crown Records which are both OOP but worth seeking out. No Business Records
You might also take a look here.
For the upcoming Steve Lacy CD on Emanem Nick has already reproduced the label's info in the third comment. (somehow I published this post accidentally before it was ready)

Roger Turner and Fred Van Hove - what a pair - this release scheduled for August 4 on Relative Pitch Records is very high on my want-list. And what a nice 1950s design and typography. Should be amazing...
PAUL RUTHERFORD "in Backward Times" (1979-2007) Emanem 5045
Four very different concert settings featuring sensational performances by trombonist PAUL RUTHERFORD:
two festival solos - one from 1979 with electronics and the other from 2004 without;
a 1988 duo with PAUL ROGERS (double bass) a few months before their ROGUES CD;
and from 2007 a trio with VERYAN WESTON (piano) and MARCIO MATTOS (cello & electronics)
- a very promising group, except that this turned out to be Rutherford's last public appearnance.
All previously unissued. 76 minutes.
The above release of Gruppo Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza is actually a reissue of a two CD + one DVD release from Italy's 'Die Schachtel' (2007),
Ten years later we'll get 4 CDs or 5 LPs plus a DVD (and a 64p. booklet in LP format) or both.
The DVD contains a German documentary (b/w) on the group. Filmed in 1967 the documentary is an unknown classic. Do they still produce films like this one?
I've encountered the above release a month ago.
It's Agustí Fernández, Peter Valsamis and two canadian musicians previously unknown to me (shame on me). Wonderful free improvisation with a saxophonist who according Stuart Broomer might have had Lee Konitz as a role-model. But Yves Charuest and bassist Nicolas Caloia are all their own on this highly recommended CD/download.

Last year I got an email from ECM. They've 'found' a wealth of LPs from their early catalogue believed to be OOP, in their vaults. Immediately I've ordered about 100 items from several groups/musicians for the shop (Among the treasures was f.e. the first pressing of Jarrett's Köln Concert. I've ordered all remining stock - about a dozen LPs - sold after a few days).
For myself I took 'Endgame' with John Stevens, Barry Guy, Trevor Watts and Howard Riley.
But at home I discovered that the vinyl was beyond repair - so to say. I knew they had only 7 items of this release. Two were sold at our shop, one (mine) was defect and four remained - or were they gone?
After a quick telephone call with ECM the rate of my heart's rythmn dropped considerably.
A few days later I went to ECM's headquarter at the outskirts of Munich. After climbing to the first floor I met Steve Lake. Among other things I asked him wether he's producing "something" new.
He mentioned a Roscoe Mitchell Nonet (or tentet..) - and here it is.
Already on my list for >Best of 2017<.
Marching Song vol. 1 + 2 are a classic of British creative Jazz from the 1960s. This three CD box-set not only offers remastered versions of the two LPs but also sextet/quartet renderings of some themes of the greater line-up.
From 1966 and 1970 with Surman (sextet only) and Mike Osborne. Also added a rare 7" with Norma Winstone and the Concert Band. Includes a very informative booklet.
As the sub-title suggests 'Cappuccini Klang 2' is the previously unreleased second part of a 1992 recording session. It was offered as download only on bandcamp somewhat unnoticed in 2013.
The original CD was edited by Splasc(H) Records which - BTW - is active again.
Some of the above mentioned recordings are not 'Upcoming + Recent' releases. But I do not care as long as the music is as original and revelatory as on the double CD "Retrospective" by the Al Neil Trio.
Al Neil was unknown to me before Nick posted Neil's solo LP on this blog.
Many words but only one necessary step > Get it! Get It! as long as the one time pressing lasts.
My highest recommendation.