17 April 2014


1. Im Stadtgarten Köln

Frank Wollny, bass
Gunter Hampel, bass clarinet, vibraphone, flute
Butch Morris, cornet, amplified cornet, flute
A.R. Penck, drums
Alan Silva, keyboards
Jeanne Lee, vocals

Recorded at Stadtgarten Konzertsaal, Köln, Germany

Mara Records ‎– 6012

CD Rip


Anonymous said...

This will be an interesting listen, as I'm not familiar with either the bassist or the drummer. Any idea of a recording date? Early 1970's? Many thanks, there can never be enough Gunter Hampel or Jeanne Lee.


Anonymous said...

Lee, Hampel, Morris and Silva are fantastic here, great playing, great music! Unfortunately Wollny's and Penck's playing is rather poor ... - Penck was a great painter. But I was disappointed of all his recordings with often great musicians he invited.

wightdj said...

Thanks, probably mid-80s. http://www.discogs.com/TTT-2-featuring-AR-Penck-Jeanne-Lee-G-Hampel-Im-Stadtgarten-K%C3%B6ln/release/2272510

Scraps said...

Again! inconstant sol is wonderful.

kinabalu said...

Yes, I would think 80s, too. I don't think we have posted any Penck prior to the 80s. Agree with the comment above on Penck's aptitude as drummer. I recall there was a general agreement on that last time it was discussed, on the Church No. 9 blog, though not unanimous.

Ernst Grgo Nebhuth said...

I believe end of 1991 or beginning of 1992 is more likely.
See http://www.bb10k.com/PENCK.html#STADTGARTEN for a bit of evidence.

corvimax said...

very much inviting, thank you

Solomon said...

Thank you!

Wallofsound said...

But Penck invited such wonderful company.

Anonymous said...

I would agree with the 1991/92 dating, both on the strength of onxidlib's link and what I believe is a date of 05-92 in the inner ring of the CD. Likely the release date.
Again, thanks for this great recording!


Lee said...

I somehow missed this the first time around. Given the recent surge of Penck releases here, is it possible to get a reup?

Nick said...



pierre d'alai said...

Thanks so much, Nick, for this re-up!
I'm sure if I had been present at this live date, I could have felt the room levitate!

francisco santos said...


Lee said...

Excellent! Thanks, Nick!

Bhowani said...

Thanks again, Nick!!

alanc said...

Impossible to find otherwise.. many thanks