4 February 2008

Globe Unity Orchestra- compositions (1979- japo lp 60027) flac and lame

Heres an old favourite, brought to us by glmlr… a pristine rip of one of the GUO’S Great albums.
the version of lacy’s worms dedicated to ezra pound is extraordinarily vivid and definitive.
Comparatively speaking this is one of the best recorded ,most structured and less turbulent efforts.
That may make it uncharacteristic, but for me no less essential.
I owned this until it was lost to me in 1997, being a favourite I’d missed this a lot .. ..so thanks glmlr for stepping in.

A1 Nodagoo (6:59)
A2 Boa (5:43)
A3 Trom-Bone-It (5:03)
A4 Flat Fleet (7:48)
B1 Reflections (8:46)
B2 Worms (dedicated to Ezra Pound) (10:25)
B3 The Forge (5:22)

Bass - Buschi Niebergall
Bass Clarinet - Michel Pilz
Drums, Percussion, Etc. - Paul Lovens
Piano - Alexander von Schlippenbach
Producer - Steve Lake (2) , Thomas Stöwsand
Soprano Saxophone, Piano - Steve Lacy
Tenor Saxophone, Soprano Saxophone - Evan Parker
Tenor Saxophone, Soprano Saxophone, Flute - Gerd Dudek
Trombone - Albert Mangelsdorff , Günter Christmann
Trombone, Euphonium - Paul Rutherford (2)
Trumpet - Enrico Rava
Trumpet, Flugelhorn - Kenny Wheeler , Manfred Schoof
Tuba - Bob Stewart
Notes: Recorded January 1979 at Tonstudio Bauer, Ludwigsburg

thanks to sambec for the recently added covers.

note half the old japo catalogue was briefly available to japanese collectors , for about 6 minutes!!


SOTISE said...

MP3 -256


Anonymous said...

Thanks, many thanks. Glmlr. Nice surprise.
Few days ago I was listening to "Globe Unity 67&70" and "Rumbling". I thought on those GU records that I try to get but never can. I spent a lot of time and effort trying to import some JAPO releases. Was impossible.
Thanks Sotise for post this incredible record.

Anonymous said...
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roberto t. said...

More than magnificent post, thank you! Ah, those were the days...I mean, I was just a little younger, I saw them live quite a lot, and it is so sad that some of them are not with us anymore. A great period for a great band!

Anonymous said...

this last flurry of posts has been absolutely amazing--am so looking forward to hearing the "hi-def" intercommunal music

thanks glmlr for this one

sambeck2001 said...

After being ill for several weeks, I'm on the road (or data highway) again. So I wish a happy New Year to You all.
Nice to see this record here. I'm not yet able to rip LPs, so my contribution will be only the cover scans:

And now for the back catalog ...

Looks VERY interesting!

centrifuge said...

thanks guys... looking forward to hearing this!

Anonymous said...

great stuff guys

centrifuge said...

what an interesting album. it's true, one wouldn't necessarily peg this as being a GUO recording, or not right away (although the identifiable soloists would eventually lead one in that direction)... lovens doesn't really begin to sound like "himself" until the third and fourth tracks on the first side; i must admit i find some of the horn arrangements on the second track annoying, but that's just me... i don't like the archetypal big band sound one little bit. BUT the freer, noisier arrangements which follow are very interesting indeed.

bob stewart plays his arse off in the chaotic buildup on track 3 - plays so high and so fast that he makes his tuba sound like a guitar for a moment there...

any further details on this album, guys? it would seem there were two recording sessions - simply side one and side two, or not..? and how about writing credits? glmlr, don't tell me you've stopped sending such useful data along with your excellent lossless rips ;-)

Anonymous said...

Humble apologies to all, most notably to Centrifuge, for the fact that I was not able to punch in individual tracks ID's on this rip, so it came out as simply Side A and Side B. At the time, the phone was ringing, Dime was downloading something fascinating, I was simultaneously trying to listen to something else and there was a certain distractingly dressed female on the premises. Thus both the brain and the body were being sorely and simultaneously tested.

Writing credits:

Nodagoo - Kenny Wheeler
Boa - Alexander von Schlippenbach
Trom-bone-it - Gunther Christmann
Flat Fleet - Enrico Rava

Reflections - Manfred Schoof
Worms - Steve Lacy
The Forge - Alexander von Schlippenbach

All recorded Ludwigsburg, January 1979 (no specific date given).

Hopefully, this album's twin brother "Improvisations" will appear here soon, correctly indexed, as a consolation.

centrifuge said...

thanks! writing credits are much appreciated. the brass men more or less carry the show, then :) the gunter christmann piece is a cracker and i really liked the rava one too - mistook it for a warped arrgt of some old time standard tho :)

it's true that the lacy number (typically obstinate in its refusal to resolve) is very successfully interpreted - a tremendous amount of tension is built up, and more than once... it's the sort of thing that demands serious attention, as b/g noise it would be maddening after a while..!

of the two schlippenbach pieces i definitely prefer the second, very good way to finish.

incidentally - what i meant about two sessions is that the names steve lake, paul rutherford in the notes (i.e. on the blog page) are followed by the unexplained note (2). any idea..?

Anonymous said...

Centrifuge: No idea what the (2) means in the above instances. Perhaps Sotise knows. It didn't originate from me. The LP simply says "Produced by Globe Unity with Thomas Stowsand and Steve Lake in cooperation with the WDR Cologne".

kinabalu said...

I do have the Globe Unity Orchestra - Improvisations - on Japo (for your info). Might end up here for all that I know ...

Anonymous said...

Kinabalu: Thanks - I've already put it in to Sotise, so hopefully it should appear here before long.

centrifuge said...

hey kinabalu, while yer here tho... let me put in an official request for the mitchell/braxton duets :-D

keep it up guys... sol continues to be the premier blog of choice for the discerning out-jazzer!

Anonymous said...

You're all great, brothers!
Thank u so much!
Any chances to post the "Live In Wuppertal" (FMP)?

Anonymous said...

Sorry lonewolf. I think fmp is off-limits.

Anonymous said...

Ok, thx however!

kinabalu said...

Hi Cent,

the Mitchell/Braxton duet is on my to do-list, so all I can say is stay tuned. Soon come (hopefully) ...

centrifuge said...

drool ;-)

wildgrebe said...

nice work..im missing about 8 now.from japo..thanks for this addition..

ABE said...

Thanks for this - nice to hear the large ensemble Worms by Lacy. Great record, great tuba playing!

angelito said...

Can anybody post GUO improvisations and intergalactic blow?both on japo.I´m looking for years.Thx.