hi all, heres a great one, by one of the chronically under appraised masters
of jazz saxaphone.
released on the warners sub lable quest in 1994, 2 years after its release, this alerted people (a younger generation) to the power of sonnys art.
sonny simmons first came to prominence in the mid 60's with great records for the contemporary lable, and 2 esp discs under his own name.
one of my personal favourites (,ive never heard a simmons disc which was in any way mediocre ,or less than inspired). this disc has now been out of print for some years, and knowing the absolute lack of understanding of this music ,by major lables is likely to stay so ,probably for some time to come.
heres a review of this
for those interested.
though ,be aware its luke warm and considerably understates the case.
by Scott Yanow
When this CD was released in 1994, it should have resulted in altoist Sonny Simmons getting a comeback of the year award. Playing in a sparse trio with bassist Charnett Moffett and his son Zarak Simmons on drums, the veteran saxophonist proved to not only be in prime form after many years off the scene, but just as fiery and adventurous as he had been in the 1960s. Simmons' eight originals (which include "Reincarnation," "Country Parson" and "Sundown In Egypt") have plenty of variety, but it is the frequently telepathic interplay between the three musicians during improvisations that makes this CD essential for open-minded listeners.
visit and buy sonny simmons records directly through him, at his home page, where you'll also find an extensive bio
you cant go wrong with sonny, all his records are good, he has a couple of cdr's for sale which are limited i have one and its good,the esp discs are back in print. fire birds and the cry are in print,
two of the best can be found at cadence, on the cimp lable.
anyone having 'ramasuma, it is revealed ,or other and there are many(see his website's discog)
please dont hesitate to share them, either here or elsewhere.
this is ripped to 256kbs mp3 , in 2 parts
part 1)
part 2)
Great posting dipmong.
Very reminiscent of Coleman. The first track sounds very familiar.
Great Post! Do you have the album by Prince Lasha, called It Is Revealed or Prince Lasha, Clifford Jordan, Sonny Simmons & Bossa Très, Jazz Tempo, Latin Accents? I'd love to hear these.
cracking album, this.
haven't got those sunmyth... but speaking of prince lasha, has anyone heard his comeback album on cimp?
Sonny Simmons... Bring it on!
Aside from a Prince Lasha/Sonny Simmons early 60s effort, this guy had eluded me until the Cosmosomatics gig broadcast on Jazz on 3 a while back.
That - and just abourt evrything else I've laid my hands on by Simmons - is fantastic!
This album is amazing. The playing and compositions are top-notch. Moffett's playing is nuts. Thanks for the post...
hi all ,glad you enjoyed this
sunmyth to answer your question no i dont have either of those, but someone im in touch with, who posts under the name pierre, and who recently contributed the donald ayler post on ch#9 as well as the solo evan parker here ,has it is revealed,he and i have been talking about swapping for months and it is revealed was certainly a high priority choicefrom his list.
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