27 November 2010


This early japanese Free Jazz LP was originally recorded for a movie by Masao Adachi - "Renzoku Shasatsuma (Ryakusho)".
But it certainly works without the pictures.

A classic recording - not only from Japan - Enjoy!


Mototeru Takagi,ts,bcl,cornpipe
Masahiko Togashi,dr,vib,marimba,tube-bell,tympany

1. Isolation 1 (TOGASHI) 16:45
2. Isolation 2 (TOGASHI) 19:08

Recorded on 19th December, 1969 in Tokyo

Columbia JDX-49 (first edition)


Ernst Grgo Nebhuth said...
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Wallofsound said...


magogiallo said...

all these old japanese records are a splendid gift for all the people like me that have never the chance to listen to them, THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES

roberto t. said...

I think I'll cry when this great Togashi party will be over. Many thanks!

IB said...

For sure. A complete world of out music out there in Japan, almost uncharted territory...
Oh, while dreaming of the unknown - wouldn't it be nice to get hold of Mototeru Takagi's "Originations"? Duet with drummer Toshi Tsuchitori. Must be on ALM. Said to be the japanese "Live at Yale"...

intempestif said...

This is great, thanks a million! I'm a big fan of Takagi. I'd also be really interested to hear "Origination". Or any other album under Takagi's name. Cheers

1009 said...

I only know Takagi from my Takayanagi discs, but I'm very excited to check this out. Thanks much!

Ernst Grgo Nebhuth said...

Hi 1009,

maybe you haven't noticed - there is more Takagi on IS.
Check the post "Sabu Toyozumi : A message to Chicago"
>> http://inconstantsol.blogspot.com/2010/10/sabu-toyozumi-message-to-chicago-nadja.html

Eugen I. said...

Takagi was really, really lyrical on this record! One of his best. And Togashi still remains one of the jazz and improvisation drums' greats. Does anybody have a hint on where or how could Takayanagi and Togashi's duo Pulsation be found?

Josh Carr said...

Any odds of a re-up of this disc. I saw the film AKA: Serial Killer on which this music appeared back in January 2008 and have been haunted by the soundtrack ever since. WOuld love to re-listen.

Ernst Grgo Nebhuth said...
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Anonymous said...

You are the best! Thank you!


Ананасий Непитин said...

what a pity...
all links are dead now.
won't you be so kind to re-up this rip somewhere (1f or gamefront or elsewhere)?
thanks in advance


Ernst Grgo Nebhuth said...

I believe it's in print again - but I shall check its availability.
If it is OOP I'll re-up during the next days

sikes said...

Hi Onxidlib, did you find out if this was in print somewhere, and if so could let us know where, thanks

Ernst Grgo Nebhuth said...

A quick search and I found this one > http://www.discogs.com/sell/release/1037487?ev=rb
Not the recent reissue but much cheaper...in fact that's the version I have.
Kast version was on Bridge 41...

Rui said...

Hi, is there a chance you re-up this, please?
thank you very much.

Ernst Grgo Nebhuth said...

It seems this recording is OOP again.
So for the time being here's a new link.


gretels said...


Otozo said...

Hi Nick, Or anyone?, Anyone know what is up with Improvised Music from Japan? The site is up. But they have went incomunicado for awhile now, plus no updates since last summer. Great and essential operation- hope all is well.

Ernst Grgo Nebhuth said...

Last time I've ordered there in September '15. Everythings seemed as ever.
Except updates are much rarer the last two three years IMO.
Last update was from September 19 - with some excellent releases...

DW said...

onxidlib, thank you!!

unitstructure said...

Intense listening.Thanls for sharing.