2 January 2011

Requests, Contributions and General Discussion

This is a place where you can post comments about Inconstant Sol sort of music when it isn't about a specific post. If there's anything you'd like to contribute, please put the links here and we'll try to attend to it and make a proper post, to the best of our capacity. Of course, anyone is free to respond to requests and to contribute whatever they may have.

Please just focus on the music, the musicians and the issues they raise. Due to circumstances, we are now having to delete comments on other, more personal, issues as they are clearly against the terms of usage for blogging as provided by Blogger.


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gd said...

thanks for such a great blog.
id love to see more rare AACM related material.
im looking for any of those Douglas Ewart Solo albums and the first Ethnic Heritage Ensemble album 'Three Gentlemen from Chicago'
keep up the good work!

exilestreet said...

I agree you guys really have such a great blog...I personally am always happy to see more Talisker, Phil Minton & Ayler.

JL.TAGLICH said...

I can certainly say nothing negative about a request for OOP Phil Minton LPs. Otherwise, I love perusing the options you guys have here. I may not take much but I love to watch your diversity exhibit itself.

Thank you much.

Unknown said...

thanks for the incredible stuff already up here. one request - if anyone has the long-out-of-print album 'reverie' by Ray Warleigh I'd really love to hear that. also, do any bootlegs exist of the various bands Kenny Wheeler and Evan Parker had together in the 70s?

exilestreet said...

Actually if there is a chance of a re-up of Evan Parker's 'Live At The Finger Palace', that would be brilliant!

Anonymous said...

About a month ago we were discussing the Jimmy Lyons benefit concert copies of which apparently are out there - just a reminder it features Archie Shepp, Sun Ra Arkestra, Sam Rivers, the original World Saxophone Quartet, Muhal Richard Abrams, Jeanne Lee, Joseph Jarman, Lester Bowie's Brass Fantasy and the Frank Wright/Ken McIntyre Quartet. It was a concert to help pay Jimmy's medical bills when he was sick with the lung cancer which was to take him from us a few months later.
Anyone have a copy?

LYM said...

@all the contributors here,
A GREAT THAKNS for Your kind and quick answer! Thanks again for opening this new space that was missing here!. I hope this could greatly contribute to make INCSOL a richer landing place.

@gd and anyone interested,
among the files that I'm managing to post here in the next days there is even a Chicago AACM 35 Year celebration Festival...I think it can be interesting here.

See YOU:-) LYM

Anagram Sam said...

Has someone got a copy of the great jazz/funk/ fusion lp "Nino et Radiah" by Nino Ferrer & Le Sud including cover art?

As always, thanks.


LYM said...

@ all INCSOL contributors and readers,
I'd like to see here even contributions in the shape of general (or particular) interest about music, especially about free improvise music, post free or something else.
A little suggestion. A few mmonts ago has been published a referenc book about the AACM and free improvised music written by George Lewis. I haven't read it yet, since I've began simultaneousky four other books on musical subject. But someone here perhaps has and would like to tell something about it and/or about the importance of AACM in post-free.
Personally in this moment I'm greatly interested in Henry Threadgill official and unofficial legacy. If someone has some radio broadcasting or private recording or every info about a Threadgill concert date will be welcome and can even wrote privately to me.
Another suggestion, and even a personal and friendly [THANKS HELLO!] to Mr sotise, is to write something about that neglected giant named Steve Lacy. Sotise and me are two addicted Lacy admirer. is there someone else here? What has been the importance of him in post -free' What are in Your opinion his best recordings and Why?


Anagram Sam said...

The LP has a different cover -- and a different sound.

But thanks for googling it ;-)

Anagram Sam said...

Steve Lacy: GIANT indeed. Here's admirer # 3. Will share my opinions in the next ten days, as soon as I've got a little more time.

See ya,


Anonymous said...

Just a quick word (from the USA) to say I absolutely love checking-in on your blog from time to time. Love reading the comments that accompany the recordings -- there's much to learn. One in particular who's always a particular pleasure for me to hear of is Marion Brown.

When I lived in Northampton, Massachusetts in the very early
80s I used to often run into Marion at the clubs in town -- a very soft-spoken, sensitive man who was always willing to talk. In those days, on any given night, you might find Marion along with Elliott Sharp and/or Michael Gregory Jackson (anyone remember him?) hanging out or playing in town.
Last I heard, Marion was in a nursing home somewhere in NYCity. Anyone know the latest on him?
Thanks again for your blog. 'Tis very much appreciated . . .

Newk said...

Marion Brown wrote this nice autobiography that I read in the collection of the San Francisco public library, but have never seen elsewhere. I've wanted to find a copy for years. I wrote the publisher down somewhere, but found nothing. I hope more and more folks from that era puts their lives down in such a way. I never read Paul Bley's autobio, but hope to some day soon.

Anonymous said...


no problem w/ Nino and Radiah + original cover art. awesome record, dj fave. drop me a mail and I'll send you a link, cheers, stijn


Anonymous said...

A contribution for all the AACM lovers :

"Wadada Leo Smith & Roscoe Mitchell Creative Orchestra"

Rec. live at the '79 Moers Jazz Festival, Moers, Germany, on June 3, 1979
total time 1:31:12 (my recording)

Personnel : Roscoe Mitchell/Douglas Ewart/Wallace McMillan/Marty Ehrlich,reeds - Wadada Leo Smith/Kenny Wheeler/Hugh Ragin/Mike Mossmann/Rob Howard, trumpets - George Lewis/Ray Anderson/Alfred Patterson, trombones - Pinguin Moschner, tuba - Bobby Naughton, vibraphone - Marilyn Crispell, piano - Wes Brown,bass - Paul Maddox,drums

The Orchestra, few days later, recorded a couple of LP in Paris (never reissued on Cd) :
Leo Smith Creative Orchestra "Budding of a Rose" (Moers Music 02026)
Roscoe Mitchell Creative Orchestra "Sketches from Bamboo" (Moers Music 02024)

the first was posted here by atdipmong (http://inconstantsol.blogspot.com

flac (527 MB) :
mp3 vbr0 (157 MB) :

a hug

Anonymous said...

Excellent blog, many thanks. One record I've never seen except on vinyl is Craig Harris' Tributes. It features an amazing lineup, and really oughta be in print or available somehow.
Cheers, MB

kinabalu said...


I checked the links of Evan Parker's Finger Palace and they are still OK. I might have a little Minton lying around.


thanks for the AACM links. I shall delve in. We will of course continue to keep the AACM flag flying around here.


I have one called "Chemistry" with John Stevens, Kenny Wheeler, Jeff Clyne, Trevor Watts and Ray Warleigh. Would that be of interest?

VenieroScolari said...

"Chemistry" -- absolutely!!!

gilhodges said...

Speaking of the wonderful Mr. Marion Brown:

On 8 December, 2006, a person identifying as John Rogers left the following comment at the fine blog Destination Out:

marion brown is alive and well and lives in hollywood florida. he loves to hear from his fans so iam sure he wont mind me putting this # up for you hardcore fans. i wouldnt put up other of my musician friends #’s but i know marion loves calls and if you are in florida visitors.
drop him a line and tell him how much you love his music. marion brown (call before 5pm) 954-926-5600.

Unknown said...

"I have one called "Chemistry" with John Stevens, Kenny Wheeler, Jeff Clyne, Trevor Watts and Ray Warleigh. Would that be of interest?"

very much so!

Wallofsound said...

I wasn't so keen on Chemistry in school, but I didn't have John Stevens, Kenny Wheeler, Jeff Clyne, Trevor Watts and Ray Warleigh in the class.

A post of this would be very welcome.

Anonymous said...

great blog, really cool and eclectic.
i have got 2 requests:

Gerry Olds Trio - here goes
Jeffrey Morgan - Quasar-Mach

if anyone can make any of the above mentioned albums available, that would be highly appreciated.

thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

I've followed this blog since the C#9 days, and it is a constant source of surprise. Thank you.

I had a hard drive meltdown back in Nov. 07, and I lost a fair amount of music, which I've slowly been cobbling back together. If anyone could point to links to the following vinyl rips, that would be most appreciated.

• Sam Rivers - "The Quest"
• Sam Rivers - The Tuba Trio LPs (Bim Huis, Amsterdam 1976)
• JR Monterose - "Alive in Amsterdam - Paradiso" (with Han Benink)
• Martial Solal with the Kentonians

Many, many thanks.

roberto t. said...

This is a link to Jason Weiss book of interviews with Steve Lacy. I think it is a quite comprehensive insight about the man and the artist Steve was. As far as I know this book wasn't well known, but it really deserves to be in this music's literature.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Lyons' Push/Pull is impossible to find, and the shared copy I've downloaded before is of incredibly poor sound quality. That would be a great contribution if someone had it.

I'm getting ready to re-up a bunch of OOP Braxton stuff I posted on the Church way back when, and which hasn't shown up here.

Keep up the good work, gents.

riccardo said...

Albert Mangelsdorff, trombone - Live at the "Music Inn"

Rome, January 29th, 1978

1. A Jazz Tune I Hope (4:27) - 2. For Peter (3:37) - 3. Folk Mood (5:44) - 4. Nexus (4:38) - 5. Questions To Come (3:41) - 6. Brief Inventions (2:25) - 7. Yellow Hammer (2:58) - 8. Mood Indigo (5:17) - 9. Trilogue (4:03) -
10. The Up And Down Man (6:14) - Total Time 43:14

flac (176,4 MB) :
lame (71,4 MB) :


Douglas Ewart, alto saxophone, bass clarinet, bassoon, percussions - Live in Florence

Florence, July 6th, 1978

1. Bass Clarinet (9:57) - 2. Flute (10:38) - 3. Alto saxophone And Bassoon (10:52) - 4.
Percussions (4:00) - Total Time 35:28

flac (193 MB) :
lame (60,2 MB) :

roberto t. said...

It seems a real thing... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTssjT9rAmQ&feature=related

Anagram Sam said...

@the fellow Lacy admirers:

Hmm, where others needed long phrases, Steve the L. could do it often with a single note. Favorite recordings? Steve Lacy's very first one as a leader, "Soprano Sax" from 1957, ft. Wynton Kelly, Buell Neidlinger and Dennis Charles -- a beautifully mixed program of Ellington and Monk tunes. From his Free Jazz excursions: "The Forest And The Zoo" with trumpeter Enrico Rava, bassist Johnny Dyani and Louis Moholo on drums. Two pieces, one on each side, recorded in Rome 1966 -- ear-openers all the way. My desert island record would probably be 61's "Evidence" with Don Cherry, Carl Brown and Billy Higgins -- high-class performance plus awesome group effort, and ultimately proof for my first statement: Take on note per bar and let's see what we can do with it. In two words: Minimal genius.

What's your expertise?

See ya,


LYM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LYM said...

LYM said...
@Anagram Sam and every Lacy admirer e/o expertise here (sotise where are YOU?)
It's quite impossible for me to choose a few Lacy recording from his regarding legacy. Much more easy if I choose a period in which he reached the peak of his tecnical, intellectual and musical skill. This period , that in my opinion lasted about 15 years from 1970 to 1985, has been the one in which his huge originality and his contribution to the story of the nineteenth century music can be more clearly traced. Since I had listened very quickly to tens of recordings downloaded in this last Year, I can only say that a great number of albums made during the aforementioned period is full of an astonishing (as a burning ice) beauty.

These are the recordings that, at first sight and definitely, made me love Lacy's musical world:

a - the box "Scratching the seventies", Media 7 with the Complete Saravah Recordings (1971-77) Enclosed are the albums “Roba”, “Lapis”, “Scraps”,”Dreams”&“The Owl”,
b - "Songs", HatART (1981) Text songs and poetry by Brion Gysin;
c - "Prospectus", HatART (1983);

Two piece of music frequently on my mind: The Crust, Clicheès

I'd like to know other’s opinion here.

:-) LYM
Bye bye Steve.

Anagram Sam said...


forgot the "Songs" -- astounding & amazing record indeed.



SOTISE said...

Riccardo ,many thanks for the great concerts particularly the Mitchell/Smith creative orchestra.

Anagram Sam, LYM.. my favourite Lacy records ..meaning those i listen to most frequently ..are Probably 'Capers' renamed new york capers and quirks ..the trio with Boykins and D.Charles , it mystifies me why almost half of the original double lp was left off the cd reissue .. my favourite track on that 'the crunch' was left off the cd ... the sound quality wasn't great its true.. but what incredible interplay... Charles is particularly great on that beating out martial rythms in unison with lacy's lines.

i think my favourite lacy period is probably 66-80.. Lym agreed that scratching the 70's is indispensible.
apart from that saxophone special and live at the chene noir .both on emanem are special to me.
there's still much lacy to be heard..
and this is one ive been particularly looking out for for years .. never seen a copy anywhere digitally or otherwise.


1/ Distant Voices (TK, SL, YT) 20:39
2/ Flying Off (TK, SL, YT) 10:15
3/ Midsummer Blues (TK, SL, YT) 7:18

Recorded at Nippon Columbia Studio No. 1, Tokyo, June 24, 1975

Steve Lacy: soprano, percussion; Yuji Takahashi: piano, celesta, vibraphone,
percussion; Takehisa Kosugi: violin, flute, voice, percussion.

1976 - Columbia (Japan), YX-7085-N (LP)
1991 - Denon (Japan), COCO-7977 (CD)

Note: the CD reissue contains extra material but without Steve Lacy.

Anagram Sam said...

Haven't listened to "Capers" for quite a while and will do so right away. Thanks, Sotise.

See ya,


BTW: The comment with the The Youtube link wasn't written by me, but obviously by some severely demented person.

SOTISE said...

heres a great little AMM performance allegedly broadcast on the Beeb in APRIL 79 .. the saxophonist though credited as Lou Gare ,sounds a lot like Evan Parker did in the 70's ive never heard Gare sound like that... ANY THOUGHTS?
A lot less stasis than one would expect too.

thanks to the taper/seeders /traders

BBC Radio
April 23 1979

Eddie Prevost Percussion
Keith Rowe Guitar
Lawrence Scheaff bass
Lou Gare Reeds


Newk said...

Coincidentally, I was going to request the "unabridged" version of NY Capers & Quirks.
Here are some others I requested elsewhere:
Jayne Cortez albums from the 80's, especially when Frank Lowe was providing heat
Bern Nix-Alarms and Excursions
Honi Gordon Sings
Sangeeta Michael Berardi w/Archie Shepp, Roswell Rudd, Rashid Ali, etc.
Going back to the Lacy discussion, I gotta say for me the material I constantly go back to are the many recordings done with Mal Waldron. I really dig some of the contributions Steve Potts was making as well. I honestly felt like a lot of Lacy recordings toward the last few years of his life were a bit cold and dry, for lack of more technical description.

SOTISE said...

ONE SMALL REQUEST .. i know its old hat ... and that its been torrented on minerva.org .. i seem to have missed it and only have a FILTHY.. very low bitrate version of it.

CAN ANYONE ..lay on me the Don Cherry scandinavian broadcasts 1967-71.. in a lossless or at least 320 kbs version?

i would very much appreciate it thank you .

and by the way me'old mate Serviceton has started a SLOW ..BLOG here and invited me to participate... only a couple of posts so far .. in case any ones interested go here

Anagram Sam said...


Have the Honi Gordon 4 U, if 128 kpbs are ok & will upload tomorrow,

See ya,


Anagram Sam said...

Again, the above comment wasn't written by me. My blogger no. is, as always, 04711728788421341141.

And here's the promised file with Honi Gordon Sings, including the splendid "Walkin' Out The Door":



1. Strollin'
2. Ill Wind
3. My Kokomo
4. Why Try to Change Me Now
5. Cupid
6. Walkin' Out The Door
7. Why
8. Love Affair
9. Lament of the Lonely

Enjoy & See ya,


Peter Fortondo said...

Never seen this one on the net, a dream of a record. Thanks very much!!


1009 said...

Thanks for this AMM, sotise. I agree that the reedist is more likely than not Evan Parker. Great session whoever it is, though -- as varied as you say.

Wallofsound said...

I'm sorry if any genuine comments are being deleted, but we are just sticking with comments about the music posted on this blog, the musicians who produce it, and the issues they raise.

exilestreet said...

That was my point to point out who was trolling/ and let's keep it to the music!!!

pablo said...

I have posted the out of print cuts from the Steve Lacy Capers LP. 320 mp3 - The Crunch, We Don't 2, Bud's Brother 2



Newk said...

Thanks for the Honi Gordon. I admit that I was hesitant (paranoid?) at first about the link due to the mysterious doppelganger.
Pablo-You've got much more than that! Your space has some albums I never knew existed (ie Graves, Murray, etc) that will have me busy for a bit.
Oliver Lake is in town tonight, so life is good, at least on the musical side of things...

Anagram Sam said...

Glad it worked. When I'm posting something, you can easily identify me by my blogger ID ;-)

See ya, Sam

Jazzfan_nj said...

Another big THANK YOU for this wonderful blog.

I recently signed up for a premium RapidShare account and stumbled across this blog while doing some searches for worthwhile RapidShare download links - man, oh man, this blog is the mother lode of excellent rapidshare jazz and free jazz downloads. I use a music streaming system (SqueezeCenter) to listen to my digital music and being able to download so much great music as flac files is a godsend.

So far I've downloaded at least 25 to 30 different concerts and out of print LPs. Right now I'm listening to the Sun Ra Arkestra from the Kuumbwa Jazz Center, 1988 and loving it. I also dl'ed several Cecil Taylor items and I'll try to post comments on them as I work my way through listening to them.

Once again, thanks and please keep up the great work!

Wallofsound said...

We are now getting more comments that are not about music, than ones that are. I think it's time for comment moderation. I hope the other blog posters will agree.

Trolls post comments just to provoke angry responses. Let's just talk about music, musicians and the issues they raise.

It's sometimes hard to distinguish who's a Troll and who's not, so I'm sorry if your comment doesn't make it through. If you comment about music and have a clear profile your comment is more likely to make it through. Sorry for the restrictions, but deleting comments is taking time from posting and writing about music.

LYM said...

I Totally agree with YOU!
I think that anyone here is a music lover so...let's talk about music!
Deleting has become necessary, since our only aim here should be that of posting music to listen to and talkin' about all that beauty. And then there are books about music, and magazines, and concerts...
A suggestion and a curiosity: someone here as read the George Lewis, A Power Stronger Than Itself? I think it's a great book, can someone help me?


Anagram Sam said...

Music, for sure!

So here's an addition to the other Steve Lacy records posted here recently: "The Straight Horn of Steve Lacy"; a truly outstanding piece of work, in FLAC format:


1. Louise 5:27
2. Introspection 5:34
3. Donna Lee 7:54
4. Played Twice 5:53
5. Air 6:40
6. Criss Cross 5:45


Steve Lacy (ss), Charles Davis (bars), John Ore (b), Roy Haynes (d) - November 19, 1960


Have a splendid Sunday,


Anonymous said...

dld'd it right away, wow sound. lacy ... one of the few real inventors.

perfect + thx a load,


Anonymous said...

Here's my request:


You can't find this ANYWHERE

Yay The Sol!!

LYM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LYM said...

@Anagram Sam and anyone here,

Hi Sam, tryin to download the Lacy album without succedin’ in I’ve noticed that those links have been deleted by Rapidshare… even if it seems absurd to me since YOU can find anything on the web.
So We should take a lot of care about the music We're posting here, since the first and most important rule of IncSol is “only OOP cd or Vinyl and private recordings” I think this rule must be applied even here, i think that the other contributors agree with me about this.
The Recording companies are like an animal fatally wounded...for this reason they are doing absurds (they are no more in a logical or rational behaviour) to slow down the end. Anyway I don’t think that the business of recorded music will end but for sure has to radically change his way of thinking and acting.
There are other ways to exchange music here: using other mirrors, torrent files and SoulSeek are other examples. I've searched a little for the Lacy album and find it on a japanese blog in flac format. Does anyone here knows japan language? :-)


LYM said...

@Marcus Rieck

here is a AEoC discography link:


that also contains many links to other sites, among which the indispensable AACM website, the Dan Plonsey's Roscoe Mitchell discography and a book on the AEoC.
Other indispensable readings:

George Lewis, (2008) A Power Stronger Than Itself;
John Litweiler, (1984) The Freedom Principle;
Ekkehard Jost, (1971) Free jazz


LYM said...

@gd and anyone interested here,

I can rip the vinyl of the second Ethnic Heritage Ensemble titled impressions and recorded in Italy in 1981.

Let me Know


Anonymous said...

Is "Fruits" with Leo Smith OOP? I have that and would gladly share ... anyone?


Anagram Sam said...


Hi there

and thanks for your note. After the recent impersonations of mine and other people at InconstantSol, it's possibly a bit naive to think that some record company deleted my Lacy link; in my view, it was the person who is trying to disturb all the time.

Anyway, here's "The Straight Horn of Steve Lacy" again, @320:




riccardo said...

World Saxophone Quartet - Live in Milan

Rec. live at teatro Ciak, Milan, Italy,
on December 14, 1978

1. Unknown (29:16)
2. Unknown (20:54)
3. Funny Paper (7:04)
4. P.O. In Cairo (18:32)
5. Dream Scheme (11:21)
6. Steppin' (18:23)
7. R&B (9:52)
8. Ra-Ta-Ta (2.56)

Total Time 1:58:21

David Murray,tenor saxophone,bass clarinet
Julis Hemphill,alto & soprano saxophone,flute
Oliver Lake,alto & sopranino saxophone,flute
Hamiet Bluiett,baritone saxophone, clarinet,flute

flac (714 MB) :

mp3 (215 MB) :

LYM said...

@Anagram Sam,
even the 320kbps of Lacy's album in unavailable for the reasons written by Christian Ramond.


kinabalu said...


points taken. In this kind of game, you're forever playing catch-up. On hindsight, I see we've let a couple slip through, but they are fairly innocuous, and not of any overwhelming profundity. That would be expecting far too much, of course. Any comment of a directly slanderous nature will be nabbed. A bunch of them has been deleted and I've frankly better uses of my time. This is, needless to say, a spare-time pastime.

1009 said...

Oh, Jim Peterson, aka "Anonymous," our old friend who's been around IS since ... um ... right, I don't remember him ever. But clearly he knows what he's talking about & means business.

I've been participating here at IS since the beginning -- or at least since sotise alerted the followers of Church # 9 that he had started it. (I used to post under my first name, Brent, which I changed because "Brent" is boring.)

I have no idea what a "Blogger ID" is, nor do I care.

But please consider this an earnest and honest request to begin requiring comment approval here.

And as always thanks to everyone who participates and engages each other in an honest and friendly manner.

kinabalu said...


we've already done that. All comments now have to be approved by an admin before they can be published. Yours was just approved by ... me.

ushaped said...

Thank you for the AMM post but it most definitely is not from that date.

This date is known as the debut concert of the Prevost/Rowe duo version of the group.


The quality is very good and I agree that is Evan Parker.

Anonymous said...

Quite an interesting discussion going on here. How about getting back to MUSIC.

Would like to see a rip of 67's Larry Coryell & The Free Spirits -- LP version only, better sound, rip-roaring quality completely lost on CD.

Anybody in?

Thanks & Stay Hard,

Il Jazz Dottore

Newk said...

I would like to hear the Free Spirits just to hear Jim Pepper's playing with that group. Anyone out there have Mal Waldron's Spanish Bitch?

Boromir said...

Nice to see the blog going from strength to strength despite
the efforts of a few undesirables to spoil it.

On to music issues. It was sad to see that Ian Carr passed away
yesterday aged 75. He made a major contribution to British jazz,
as performer, writer and broadcaster for many years. I see that all the catalogue of Nucleus recordings have been reissued on CD,as have his earlier works in the quintet with Don Rendell. The only OOP example I can come up with from my collection is a live
concert of The United Jazz and Rock Ensemble, which was formed
by Wolfgang Dauner in 1975, with which Ian performed up until
the band's farewell tour in 2002, from which this radio recording was

05. July 2002
Karlsruhe, Ger.
''Zeltival am Tollhaus''

Wolfgang Dauner - piano
Albert Mangeldsorff - trombone
Rüdiger Baldauf - trombone
Volker Kriegel - guitar
Ian Carr - trumpet
Ack Van Royen - trumpet
Barbara Thompson - sax
Christof Lauer - sax
Dave King - bass
John Hiseman- drums

MP3 link


corvimax said...

I have that ‘Don Cherry - Scandinavian Radio Sessions’ 1965.71
wich I think is the one you mean. It’s a flac but i have to wait to upload it, i’m sharing for a private tracker and will take sometime (25 Kb/s). if ever you allready found it please let me know

good tip the ninegreychairs, thank you

“I can rip the vinyl of the second Ethnic Heritage Ensemble titled impressions and recorded in Italy in 1981.”
woud be great!

And thanks boromir for ian carr, downloding.


amnesia said...

Would love to see Springboard by the Ian Carr - Jeff Clyne Quartet turn up on this excellent site

kinabalu said...


thanks for the offer. I've already uploaded the Cherry and I just need to write a little intro and it will be posted here very soon.

kinabalu said...

Boromir, thanks and thanks for popping in. I'm in process of downloading a Nucleus concert from Dime, so there will be some more here.

Unknown said...

Evan Parker dedicated a gig to Ian Carr's memory on thursday - a quartet with Paul Dunmall, Paul Rogers and Tony Levin. It was the most overwhelming gig I've ever heard...

Newk said...

For some reason, I can't seem to be able to leave comments on Pablo's blog. His post of that Elvin Jones album with the unbelievable front line of Ari Brown AND Andrew White was yet another reminder of how inventive yet underrated White's playing is. I'm always looking out for the many records he released himself with the plain white and gold covers. Anybody have any of those they'd like to share? I'm actually going to write the address that is on the back of all the sleeves to see if it's still current...

Anonymous said...

I just want to add to everyone else's sentiments about what a great blog this is...all the work you put into it is very much appreciated. It was especially cool to be able to enjoy the Kidd Jordan stuff...I was a big fan when I lived in New Orleans until a couple of years ago, and would catch him whenever I could. I've really been jonesing to see him play, and since I haven't figured out how to tell when he's going to be in Chicago, your posts of his shows have really hit the spot (of course I'm wondering...is there any more Kidd stuff out there?). THANKS!

Anonymous said...

Thanks thanks thanks for this blog, it's fantastic that the important music featured here and in similar places can be heard and shared like this.
My request is for the Steve Coleman/Dave Holland duo album Phase Space. Would be most grateful if someone could share or point me to that one.

pablo said...

I just posted Phase Space on I Forgot Clifford


exilestreet said...

Didn't see 'Springboard' but there is lots of Ian Carr stuff turning up here:

riccardo said...

AIR - Live In Rome (Quercia del Tasso)

Rec. live in Rome, on June 25th, 1979

1. Keep Right On Playng Thru The
Mirror Over The Water (11:40)
2. G.v.E. (12:53)
3. Sir Simpleton (13:09)
4. Unknown (22:47)
5. Through A Keyhole Darkly (13:22)
6. Dance Of The Beast (9:27)
7. Unknown (9:12)

Total Time 1:32:33

Henry Threadgill,alto & tenor saxophones,flute,bass flute
Fred Hopkins,bass
Steve McCall,drums

lame (159 MB) :

flac (488 MB) :

LYM said...

Hi Riccardo I've got some problems with the AIR roman concert links. It seems as Non disponibile.
Please You and other users let me know if someone else had this problem.
It could be a problem of my pc or connection.

Thanks in advance!


riccardo said...

try now

lame (159 MB) :

flac (488 MB) :

a hug

LYM said...

now everything seems OK. Thanks a lot!

tame rat said...

a true bastion of freedom , great work . thanks

riccardo said...

David Murray Trio - Rome, December 1st, 1979

Rec. live at "Centro Jazz St. Louis", Rome, Italy, on December 1st, 1979

David Murray,tenor saxophone
Fred Hopkins,bass
Steve McCall,drums

1. Dewey's Circle (17:11)
2. Coney Island (12:37)
3. Home (7:33)
4. Let The Music Take You (4:46)
5. Unknown (13:30)
6. Joanne's Green Satin Dress (8:23)
7. The Hill (8:09)
8. Corazon (9:00)
9. Flowers For Albert (7:48)

Total Time 1:29:00

mp3 (203 MB) :

flac (538 MB) :

Wallofsound said...

riccardo, many thanks for sharing the David Murray concert. I know there are quite a few of these live recordings around, but I have very few. This is a particularly interesting one for Murray fans like me. The concert captures the trio three days before they went into the studio in Milan to record Sweet Lovely.

I think the unknown track is Rag Tag (there's what I think is a solo version on Solo Live from 1980).

Any more live David Murray concerts not released commercially would be very welcome.

riccardo said...

many thanks Wallofsound for the help in naming the unknown track, i can confirm (now) that is Rag Tag from the Solo album (the only existent version in the Murray's official discography)

a hug

Unknown said...

thanks for the warleigh stuff.
2 more requests, both out of print as far as I can tell, I've been looking for Brotzmann's "14 love songs" and "the nearer the bone, the sweeter the meat"

Newk said...

I saw Marilyn Crispell and Gerry Hemingway last weekend, and I still haven't come down from that euphoria. The concert might actually see a CD release, so I look forward to hearing it again. Just one quick request: Any albums with Dwight Andrews as a leader. I used to own one years ago, and it's the only one that I know of, from the 80's.. I've been listening to a lot of his work as a sideman, and digging it deeply.

paul w. said...

to olie : you are not the only one looking for peter brotzmann's two excellent recordings - "14 love poems (+10 more)" solo and "the nearer the bone, the sweeter the meat" with great harry miller & louis moholo... i have been trying fo find it anywhere for the last 5 years - with no effect... maybe one good soul will post it soon... thanks in advance.
paul w.

Anonymous said...

olie and paul.w, go to soulseek and you'll find both the brotzmann you are looking for

Carlito said...

Thanks for this blog.

I'd like to see more Michel Portal material from the 70's and the 80's ;-) !

Thanks again for all this great job !

Anonymous said...

This is not about music,this is just to say Thank You to all involved here. I found this blog yesterday and I really have to stop myself and not download too much (means: more than I can possibly listen too). Taylor, Crispell, Braxton: There is so much to marvel about! And it's also great that you do not offer records that are still in print. All the best from Hamburg!

SOTISE said...

Riccardo ...thanks for all the magnificent Roman concerts, all superb ... the AIR gig is particularly magnificent , but they were all SO GOOD and thanks for taping and preserving them , much appreciated!!!!

riccardo said...

@ Sotise, thanks for the kind words...

Muhal Richard Abrams - Live In Florence '78

Rec. live in Florence, Italy, on July 8th, 1978

Track #1 (44:30)

lame (101 MB) :

flac (253 MB) :


Muhal Richard Abrams - Live In Nervi '79

Rec. live at the Nervi Jazz Festival, Nervi, Italy, on July 21th, 1979

Track #1 (28:11)
Track #2 (6:07)
Track #3 (4:28)

lame (88,8 MB) :

flac (215 MB) :

Newk said...

Quick requests: Any Dewey Redman recordings on Black Saint, including the Old and New Dreams albums. I have a hard time tracking these down, and I never can figure out the status of recordings from that label. I'd also like to point out the Lacy recordings on musica desde las antipodas, in case anyone hasn't found them yet.

kinabalu said...

I have the two Old and New Dreams albums on ECM - currently unavailable according to the ECM web site - but none on Black Saint. Can't help you there ...

LYM said...

@an astonishing good and hard job here: http://bloomysunday.blogspot.com/ since You can find the complete Billie Holiday(1936-44) on Masters Of jazz (Media 7) in flac format with full scans!!!


serviceton said...

Thanks LYM - not seen that place before - nice to see Complete Dial Recordings rubbing shoulders w/ Cesar Franck.
And the Cplte Holiday you refer to..

Newk the B.Saint/Soul Note catalogue has fairly recently been bought by CAM. *So far* there's no indication that anything is going out of print. Except the vinyl has gone.
This label has always had *everything* in print, even if it meant Senor Bonandrini sending you a burn of an album w/ copied artwork (only a few titles got reduced to 'burn-status'
Not always easy to find in shops though - sadly.
Have a look here for Redman
kinabalu, I believe the 2 ECM Old & New Dreams albums are slated for re-release in their 'Touchstones' series. Have no idea how long this might take them though..

riccardo said...

Human Arts Ensemble - Live At "Lovere Jazz" '78

Rec. live in Lovere, Italy, on July 2nd, 1978

Marty Ehrlich,alto & soprano saxophones,clarinet,flute
Joseph Bowie,trombone
Kelvyn Bell,electric guitar
John Lindberg,bass,electric bass
Charles "Bobo" Shaw,drums

1. Beyond The New Horizon (9:10)
2. Night Dreamer (8:15
3. Brown Rock City (9:46)
4. Concere Natashia (15:26)
5. Skiwee (7:59)
6. Ectodorph (9:08)
7. Sequence (8:23)
8. Junk Trap (6:17)
9. Encore (6:27)

Total Time 1:20:54

lame (168 MB) :

flac (461,1 MB) :

riccardo said...

Sam Rivers Trio - Live In Philadelphia '76

Rec. live at "New Foxhole Café", Philadelphia, on April 19th, 1976 (2nd set)

Sam Rivers,tenor & soprano saxophones,piano,flute
Dave Holland,bass
Barry Altschul,drums

1. Improvisation (1:08:12)

lame (156 MB) :

flac (459 MB) :

riccardo said...

Roswell Rudd,Steve Lacy,John Tchicai,Kent Carter,Steve McCall + RAI Big Band - Live In Rome '80

Rec. live at "Teatro dell'Opera",Rome, Italy, on March 24th, 1980

Roswell Rudd,trombone
Steve Lacy,soprano saxophone
John Tchicai,alto saxophone
Kent Carter,bass
Steve McCall,drums
RAI (Italian TV and broadcasting corporation) Big Band

1. S'crazy Pad (9:55) [H.Nichols]
2. Skippy (12:41) [T.Monk]
3. Warm Valley (6:49) [D.Ellington]
4. Reunionosis (15:16) [R.Rudd]
5. Il Saluto Del Mattino (17:30) [J.Tchicai]
6. Bud's Brother (18:00) [S.Lacy]
7. Ruminations (10:24) [S.Lacy]

Total Time 1:30:38

lame (207 MB) :

flac (609 MB) :


Steve Lacy & Steve Potts - Live In Genoa '78

Rec. live in Genoa, Italy, on May 4th, 1980

Steve Lacy,soprano saxophone
Steve Potts,alto saxophone

1. Deadline (28:04)

lame (64 MB) :

flac (159 MB) :

serviceton said...

riccardo - Love You Madly!

Anonymous said...

just at the moment, none of the Lacy/Rudd/Tchicai group Rapidshare links are active. I'm sure it's a temporary glitch, but thought id mention it
and - THANKS

1009 said...

Managed to get the Lacys without incident. Thanks so much for these, Ric!

kinabalu said...

Riccardo, judging by your fine contributions here, I think you ought to be upgraded to a proper poster. If you're interested in posting here, I can set you up, but I will need to have a valid email address if you would be so kind. You can get in touch at kinabalu4093@gmail.com.

Arcturus said...

hmmm ... I really should thank you as well for the Human Arts Ensemble (not yet heard) & those outstanding Muhal Richard Abrams shows (who I finally got to hear live earlier this year - in duet w/ Roscoe Mitchell - after a 30+ year wait

Newk said...

Arcturus: Was that the Mills show? Damn I miss the bay. However, I did get to see Roscoe quite a few times due to his being in the area thanks to his teaching post at Mills.

Arcturus said...

Newk: yea, it was @ Mills - where Muhal is also teaching this year - we still get down to the bay area once in while for music - saw Roscoe again a few weeks back, in duet w/ Fred Frith during FF's 6oth bday celebration - did you get to see the present & ex-faculty improv ensemble (fall 2007 iirc)? a 'frontline' of RM & India Cooke, along w/Frith, Zeena Parkins, William Winant, Pauline Oliveros & Chris Brown - no traditional 'solos' per se - I do regret not geting making it when Mitchell performed w/ Amiri Barabka at a SF Poetry Center event

Newk said...

Arcturus: I did get to see that amazing ensemble. I really wish India Cooke was more well-known. Every time I would see a performance of hers announced, I called up everyone I knew to make sure they experienced it. Unfortunately, she's recorded very little, but that album Red-Handed with George Lewis and Larry Ochs is definitely worth picking up, as well as the album with Joelle Leandre. The Roscoe-Amiri Baraka event was interesting. Roscoe had obviously prepared his accompaniment, and the pieces where Baraka tended to be louder, he played softer, and vice versa. Unfortunately, due to the fact that I'd been seeing Baraka a lot, he was reading poetry that I'd already heard read quite a few times, so it felt a little stale. There was an encore of Roscoe keeping one note for what seemed like an eternity. That was within a week of Jayne Cortez and the Fire Spitters performing in the same venue, which doesn't happen often!

Hookfinger said...

Thanks again for such a great blog and i welcome the imput from I Forgot Clifford blog... a short lived but awesome place to visit.

Anonymous said...

Found the blog earlier this week. HOLY HELL! Thank you so much for this!!!

Unknown said...

Guys, huge thanks for all the contributions you make here! Can't express how much grateful I am to you (as well as other fans of jazz around the world). Keep doing great work!

While listening to early Julius Hemphill's albums I dug into his collaborator trumpeter's, Baikida Carroll, discography. A rare OOP album suddenly came out -- "Orange Fish Tears" [Palm, 1975]. Although, there was a great post on Baikida here some time ago featuring "The Spoken World" [1979] and "Door of the Cage" [1995] albums, I failed to find Orange Fish Tears anywhere (except for eBay LP lot for more that $150). So I would really appreciate if any lucky owner of the recording would share it here for we could enjoy the music, too!

BTW, late Kalaparusha Maurice McIntyre and Pheeroan akLaff are strangely missing on IS as well.


Bill said...

In Germany, the file-hosting service Rapidshare has handed over the personal details of alleged copyright infringers to several major record labels. The information is used to pursue legal action against the Rapidshare users and at least one alleged uploader saw his house raided.

Like many new releases, Metallica’s latest album “Death Magnetic” was uploaded to the popular file hosting service Rapidshare one day prior to its official release date last year. Since users don’t broadcast their IP-address or distribute files to the public directly though Rapidshare, it came as a surprise when the police raided the house of an uploader a few weeks ago.

At first it was unclear how the identity of the uploader was revealed, but today German news outlet Gulli said it had found out that this was likely to be accomplished by creative use of paragraph 101 of German copyright law. It turns out that several record labels are using this to take legal action against those who share music on Rapidshare.

Previously the paragraph was only used by rights holders to get the personal details of those who share copyrighted works on file-sharing networks. It basically enables the copyright holders to get “permission” from a civil judge to ask ISPs to disclose the personal details of a user behind a certain IP. Now, however, this also seems to be the case for file-hosting services such as Rapidshare, which is based in Germany.

This of course opens up the possibility for rights holders to go after a wide range of file-hosting services and potentially even BitTorrent sites. Indeed, everyone who now uploads a torrent file to a site hosted in Germany is at risk of having his personal details revealed. Although it will be impossible to prove that the uploader actually seeded the file it might be seen as assisting in copyright infringement.

Pretty much all torrent sites keep track of the IP-addresses of their (.torrent) uploaders, and if the rights holders can get the IP-address of people who upload to file-hosting services such as Rapidshare, they can easily extend this to BitTorrent sites hosted in Germany. A dream come true for copyright holders, but a nightmare for the privacy of Internet users.

Too bad for Metallica’s Lars Ulrich who only just started sharing files himself.

Arcturus said...

hey Newk - you're a lucky man! I hear Jayne Cortez tore the place up that night

there are a number of interesting violinists around, but the three that consistently intrique me are Leroy Jenkins, Billy Bang & India Cooke - I've been known to proselytize a bit in her regard - check out also, if you don't know 'em, her recordings w/ Sun Ra & one on Black Saint w/ Lisle Ellis & the great Hat album by George Sams - I also like the stuff she's done w/ Pauline Oliveros - heard her a few years ago w/ a fantastic trio (ESP) joined by Bobby Bradford - really wish there was a recording . . .

Anonymous said...

Hi all, (high all). I have been wishing for some unissued Walt Dickerson for years and I never see any. Can this be remedied? Especially anything with Cyrille or Sun Ra. -TheSuperFreak

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine knows for sure that at least 2 tapes exist of Bill Dixon / Milford Graves duos. They don't like each other and they are both freaks for suppressing their live recordings. So hard to say if we will ever hear this stuff. -TheSuperFreak

free bones said...

For the longest time, I have been trying to find the following:

Michael White - "Pneuma"
Sun Ra - "Heliocentric Worlds, Vol. 3, The Lost Tapes"

Also, I noticed someone up there was looking for Sam Rivers' "The Quest." The link I found it at has since expired, but it's pretty common in blogland. If you can't find it after some crafty googling (try "sam rivers the quest blog download" to start) then I'll upload it for you...

free bones said...

Also, to the Anonymous user who wants some Dickerson/Ra stuff... have you heard their duet album, "Visons"? It is quite the trip, I must say. You can find that online easily. I downloaded it years ago and the original source has slipped my mind.

Once, again, if it cannot be found, I'd be glad to upload it for you...

exilestreet said...

Is this the Heliocentric Worlds Vol 3 that you are after?

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much. I have "Visions" already. What a beautiful album. Looks like back in the archive there is a Walt Dickerson solo live item. -TheSuperFreak

free bones said...

@ Anonymous:

yeah, that's the only Ra/Dickerson I know of. glad you're enjoying it, though!

@ Mona:

Yes! Thank you so much! I'm a regular over at Pathways, too. I wonder how I missed that. Anyway, many many many thanks!

roberto t. said...

ehm...http://www.amazon.com/Impressions-Patch-Blue-Walt-Dickerson/dp/B00000K1HW there is this one too, that is or was somewhere on bloglandia.

Wallofsound said...

Many thanks to anonymous for the files.

gd said...

riccardo, thanks for all of the gems!

does anyone have Wadada Leo Smith's "Procession of the Ancestors" that they could share?


serviceton said...

Procession of the Great Ancestry - Wadada Leo Smith -

You COULD buy it..
Leo Smith would get a tiny cut, and Chuck Nessa who has remastered it and put it out on CD would get a tiny cut. Which would be kind of cool yea?
Both men are still working, trying to make a living from this 'music thing'. And in the end, it's not about the money - it's about respecting the musician enough to say "Yes I value your art THIS MUCH" - not "I value your art so much that I don't care to pay a cent for it".
Just a thought, and nothing personal gd !
The CD came out in Feb of this year. Bargain hunters can find it in stock for a dollar less at dustygroove (26/05/09)

Wallofsound said...

At inconstant sol we usually only share out of print material. Most of the posters are committed to making the unavailable better known (in part in the hope that it will be made available, and sell) and the available sell better by whetting your apatite for similar music.

free bones said...

hey thanks jazzme! there is some awesome stuff there so far. I have a lot of your recent posts already on vinyl and such, but it's looking fantastic as i dig. thanks a lot!

Wallofsound said...

Does anyone have Milford Graves and Don Pullen: In Concert at Yale University Volume 1?

free bones said...


I don't know if you have any present University connections, but the Yale archives are available for interlibrary loan from almost any University.

ILL is a great way to be able to enjoy the hard copy for a few days too. I suggest getting a library card locally, and then using their ILL service to have that album delivered. The Yale stuff is really hard to find online.

Good luck. Milford Graves is always a treat.

Anonymous said...

Graves and Pullen coming up in a few minutes - meanwhile, check out THIS -

Bill Dixon University of the Streets Orchestra - live NYC 1968

Bill Dixon - trumpet, leader
Leo Jones - trumpet
Jacques Coursil - trumpet
Clifford Thornton - cornet
Richard Dunbar - frugehorn
Sam Burtis - trombone
Wesley Whittaker - trombone
John Buckingham - tuba
Dave Chamberlain - flute, soprano sax
Marzette Watts - bass clarinet
Sonny Simmons - eng h
Monty Waters - B-natural soprano sax
Leopanar Witlarge - alto sax
Sam Rivers - soprano sax, tenor sax
Arthur Doyle - tenor sax
Sonny Clark - bs ??
Warren Chiasson - vibraphone
Susan Elrauch - mezzo-soprano vocals


this is every bit as good as you are hoping if you've read that line-up - maybe even better
I'm the same anonymous who put up Marc Levin et al earlier this year, some more goodies coming - keep watching

Anonymous said...

Milford Graves & Don Pullen - At Yale University

1. P.G. I 18:44
2. P.G. II 23:00

Milford Graves (dr,perc)
Don Pullen (p)

Rec. 30.4.1966 in New Haven

LP: SRP 286



free bones said...

wow, anonymous. awesome! was that university of the streets recording a bootleg or was it ripped from vinyl or something? i like to type up liner notes for obscure things lest i forget in the future.


Wallofsound said...

I certainly have enjoyed the Graves Pullen and the University of the Streets. Many, many thanks, anonymous, you are very generous. I've now set myself the task of collecting together every recording Pullen appears on. I seem to have 55 of the 100 or so I can find listed. I'll list the ones I can't find, and post some of the ones I have. All help very welcome.

I do have connections with a university, free bones, but in the UK, rather than the US.

We ought to do a series on recordings made at universities!

free bones said...

I think two of my favorite university recordings ever, even though they are from very different modes of thought, are Joe Pass's "Blues Dues" and Cecil Taylor's "Indent". Both are solo performances, and I love them.

Does the UK have any sort of national interlibrary loan system? They are quite useful. Also, I have had international libraries allow me to borrow things on a few occasions.

Post that list and I'll dig through my collection to see if I can help. I have some Pullen stuff.

Arcturus said...

wow, that Bill Dixon band looks really really good - hard to believe my eyes tho - they've been on the lookout for that Graves/Pullen album for years - thank you!

Anonymous said...

I have no idea of the origins of the Dixon tape, I assume it was just something that was circulating amongst collectors - sorry. I have another amazing live Dixon thing which I'll put up when I get the chance. The fact that the University Of The streets tape has never been officially issued is almost as ridiculous as the fact that Intents and Purposes has never been reissued.

matt w said...

About that AMM gig -- is it possible that the bassist is Barry Guy? Prevost/Rowe/Parker/Guy recorded as Supersession on Matchless, and it sounds like it could be Guy.

Thanks so much for all the wonderful music everyone's shared!

Anonymous said...

Why print all this comments in format?
The amount of text make it not confortable to read it.

Maybe you try use normal stad bold. or i will soon need new glases :-)


Yuri said...

Maybe anybody have album:
Stephan Wittwer «World Of Strings» (Intakt, 1990).
I can't find it long time.
it will be nice if you post this.

1009 said...

Wow. Thanks a lot, "anon." That Graves/Pullen only exists in dreams. I was in Dusty Groove (Chicago) last year & John Corbett pulled out an original sleeve. (They were all hand-painted, no?) My jaw dropped & I was like, "that doesn't exist," but he assured me that it did. He didn't have the vinyl on him, though. Probably didn't have a good enough alarm system.

Thanks also for this Dixon! Always great to see more Jacques Coursil show up. Hopefully ESP will see fit to finally reissue that Coursil/Marion Brown date.

Newk said...

Hey folks. I'd been spending a lot of quality time not online, so of course it's nice to come back once in a great while and see some goodies. I have one annoying request: The Karl Berger album that Pablo posted. I copied the link, but apparently never bothered to dl. If someone else took it up like some of the other postings from that blog, please point me toward it. Thanks! Observation: Sometimes it drives me crazy that here we all are with common interests and relatively similar aesthetic tastes, but we are all separated from each other and not forming a community beyond what's here!

Newk said...

Well, damn me. Can I also request the Elvin Jones-Soul Train album that I even raved about above? I'm pretty sure I downloaded it, but can't find it on my hard drive anywhere. I sometimes lose track of some of the I Forgot Clifford files due to them not being labeled, so perhaps I deleted it thinking it was something else.

Anonymous said...

That University of the Streets Orchestra recording is incredible. Thank you very much for sharing, and my deepest gratitude to the Inconstant Sol folks for maintaining this superb blog!

horm said...

I would like to submit a link to the notorious Amsterdam-based improv group, sonido 13 (winds, pianos, computers and more):


I would also like to submit a vast mp3 blog chock full of exotica free to download:



ca_aok said...

Note: There's a new jazz site just created last month that runs on the bittorrent protocol, and could really use some members/contributers. If you're interested, please visit our IRC network at irc.audiolegend.com and join the channel #invites, where you can wait for a brief interview on torrenting and music formats. Accounts on other trackers is a plus. Mention that you came from here as well :)

orleyfarm said...

Hi all,
I just posted this request at CIA but thought I'd try here too. I'm very eager to hear John Carter's

Dance of the Love Ghosts
Shadows on a Wall

All are sadly OOP.

Any kind soul out there???

serviceton said...

I hesitate to make comment in reply to your J Carter request as i don't wish to seem like i'm pushing my own barrow or 'advertising'. But these Carter titles, as well as a fistful of other OOP John Carter are shortly to appear at ninegreychairs. As is, they are sitting next to the system, as the computer goes "rip rip rip.." - as we speak. Having said that, it may well be that the hungry mavens at CIA will supply your needs way quicker than the 'slow motion operation' of the aforementioned blog. All the best.

orleyfarm said...


I can't wait for the impending John Carter fest at ninegreychairs--one of my favorite blogs by the way. Where else can one find Sam Rivers and Ezra Pound in one sitting?

Newk said...

Oh, man. I sold all those John Carter LPs a while back, and have not heard them since, so my unemployed blue self would love to hear those again. Speaking of Pound, apparently that crazy octogen-aryan that opened fire at the Holocaust museum quotes Pound a bit in his book.

Markoff Chaney said...

hi thanks for your fantastic blog, its a revelation! I am trying to hear a rare album by Harold McNair with Ornette Colemans Rhythm section..its called Affectionate Fink and has David Izenzon and Charles Moffett...also looking out for the Braxton trio w Tony Oxley where they play All the things You are...tyhanks again!

Anonymous said...

has anyone got the Paul Dunmall, Henry Grimes, Andrew Cyrille BBC Jazz On 3 broadcast from Cheltenham Jazz Festival May 2nd??
I'd love to hear it...

John Coltrane said...

Sorry for misusing this comment section but I'm desperately looking for a rare gem which is out of print for years - maybe you can help me out? Im looking for Allyn Ferguson - Pictures at an exhibition: Framed in Jazz. It's a big band arrangement of Mussorgskys Pictures at an exhibition obviously. I used to have it on vinyl way back in the eighties - but I borrowed to a guy and never saw the LP again. Can you help me? I'm cross-posting this to some other blogs - maybe together we can find it, it's really worth listening.

Newk said...

Hey Folks
Does anyone have any of Nelly Pouget's albums? I've been wanting to hear her work for a while, but I've never been able to find anything available. Thanks!

paul w. said...

hi newk, i have been looking for nelly pouget's album with horace tapscott, andrew cyrille and michel godard "le vivre" for over 4 years, but couldn't find anything on her in the blogland...it seems she's completely unknown in jazz circles. maybe one good soul will help us in our search. regards.

serviceton said...

newk, paul w.: -
Pouget is definitely worth hearing - not bad taste in 'supporting players' either (!!). Newk - as a suggestion, get the duet CD with Crispell - beautiful record!
You could obtain it here http://www.jazzloft.com/d-4121-minuit-regards.aspx - or no doubt elsewhere.
paul w - I have Le Vivre (somewhere)- but only on vinyl. When the CD was issued, 4 extra tunes were added, so that'd be the one to track down. It does seem OOP. Four years does sound like a long time searching though.. If you don't mind MP3 and have a couple of Euros in your pocket, you could pay & download from FNAC, here http://telecharger-musique.fnac.com/fm1077048/Nelly-Pouget-Le-vivre?PID=81052&Mn=-1&Mu=-13&Ra=-31&To=0&Nu=1&Fr=0
Extremely worthwhile would be my opinion.
Her website's here - http://www.minuitregards.com/fr/nellypouget/index.html

paul w. said...

hi serviceton, many thanks for all your infos. you are the first person to known something about mrs. pouget in the blogland. i don't mind mp3 simply because i don't hear any difference in sound between mp3 and flac or other lossless systems. if i have choice between mp3 and flac i would always go with mp3.

Newk said...

Oh yeah! I always forget about Jazz Loft. When I get a job, get some money, and pay off all my debts...Heh (or not so Heh). Thanks for the response and the tips.

SOTISE said...

Kris Wanders ...was an original member of the Globe Unity Orchestra, was a close friend and cohort of Broetzmann, Van Hove , and being Dutch ..Breuker and the ICP people too.

he seems to have got tired of the European rat race , travelled to north africa ..the Americas and South-East Asia, before finally settling in Australia.

hes pretty much a player in the untramelled,hyper expressionistic ...Frank Wright , Broetzmann vein... high energy ..relentlessly ferocious..
sound appealing?

I recorded this sahow with Wanders Permission, and its been and gone at DimeAdozen

Kris Wanders double trio
Kris Wanders t-s /Jeff Henderson bari- s/Rory Brown &
Mike Majkowski bass, Robbie Avenheim & Sean
Baxter drums

@ 'Bar Open'
Brunswick St, Fitzroy Melbourne
april 24 2009
recorded with a Zoom hd-at wav 44100htz- then converted to Flac using FLac frontend level 8


Wanders website
buy something if you can , he's poor and scuffling!
(the suffix is htm not html as contained in the text file within the rar)

jesse said...

hello free jazz listeners! I thought this might be a good place to advertise that I DJ a free jazz radio program which is streamed live on the internet every sunday evening from 6pm-8pm central in madison wisconson and if you happen to live in the area it can be heard on 91.7FM or for everyone else the stream is located at www.wsum.org the name of the program is FREEFORALL. we have other programming that may interest some of you as well.

Monsieur Singh said...

hi i'd like to get in touch with the creator of this blog, the australian guy (or was it not australian?!). hope you remember me. i gotta talk to you bout some personal stuff. thanks. my email id is: taranslemon AT hotmail DOT com

blabla said...

Dear Gus,

Your ACME series is lovely. I heard some musicians from there gladly, so I was pleased with every post. Unfurtunately the links of Maneri Duo disappeared somewhere. Would You help?


Calagan said...

Dear Inconstant Sol.
You're making an incredible work by releasing all these forgotten recordings that make the history of this music.
I'm very interested in french scene from the 60's, and I was ecstatic to see that you released "Le Nouveau Jazz" of François Tusques & Barney Wilen (an impossible to find gem, even in vinyl).
I'm searching now for an even more rare recording : ZODIAC, of BARNEY WILEN, recorded for Vogue in 1966.
It's the first free formation of Barney Wilen, with Jacques Thollot on drums, Karl Berger on vibes and JF Jenny-Clark on bass.
I heard it once, and it's a terrific recording.
Today, the original tapes have been lost, and I'm afraid it will never be reissued on cd.
If someone here could post it, I would be eternally grateful.
But before all, thanks for all the other recordings yet posted.

trane said...

Request: I was wondering if anyone had this great but rare to find live recording

Sam Rivers 4tet, 1.2.1986,
New York City, Public Theater, Jimmy Lions Benefit
Sam Rivers (ts), Don Pullen (p), Cameron Brown (b), Bobby Battle (dr)

C said...

I have that Jimmy Lyons benefit concert on 4cd. I was the one who originally circulated that in flac on dimeadozen.
I will reseed it there today, I hope someone can bring it over here.
If I recall it is a master or 1st gen aud cassette job. Not awful, but not great either (soundwise).

Here is the text file.

Jimmy Lyons Benefit
Public Theater
aud>?>cass(likely 1st gen)>cdr>eac(secure mode)>flac(level 8)
total time 3:42:52

tape>cdr transfer by allsoundz

1 Intro by Don Pullen 0:55

2 ? 12:39
Don Pullen (piano)
Cameron Brown (drums)
Bobby Battle (bass)

3 Capricorn Rising 17:06
Sam Rivers (tenor sax)
Don Pullen (piano)
Cameron Brown (drums)
Bobby Battle (bass)

4 ? 14:45
Anthony Davis (piano)

5 Untitled Improvisation/Discipline 27-II/ Tomorrow Is Knocking at Your Door/Unidentified Title/East of the Sun 12:24
6 Yeah Man! 4:21
7 Prelude To a Kiss 5:14
8 I Want To Be Happy 4:56
Sun Ra Arkestra

1 ? 4:46
2 ? 7:42
Thulani Davis (vocal on 1 only)
Joseph Jarman (saxophone)
Don Moye (drums)

3 ? 30:03
All Star Jam
Archie Shepp (tenor sax)
John Purcell (alto sax)
Don Byron (clarinet)
Raphe Malik (trumpet)
Muhal Richard Abrams (piano)
Brian Smith (bass)
Andrew Cyrille (drums)

4 7:01
5 9:05
6 Wellspring 7:54
Jeanne Lee Trio(4-6) and Choir(5-6) w/Gunter Hampel(6 only)

1 Journey to Edanares 17:40
Jeanne Lee Trio and Choir w/Gunter Hampel

2 ? 10:54
Walt Dickerson (vibraphone) solo

3 When the Spirit Returns 9:24
4 ? 9:47
5 ? 9:52
Lester Bowie's Brass Fantasy
Lester Bowie (trumpet)
Bob Stewart (tuba)
& others

1 ? 26:24
Frank Wright (tenor sax)
Ken McIntyre (alto sax)
William Parker (bass)
Andrew Cyrille (drums)

trane said...

Thanks a lot C, I got it on Dime!

guairao said...

My first contribution

RAN BLAKE - Breakthru (1976).flac

The unique pianist Ran Blake is heard on this album performing brief versions (all but one of the fourteen songs are under four minutes) of a colorful variety of standards and originals. Blake's emotional playing (which emphasizes the contrast between silence and explosive sounds) is both witty and unpredictable. Among the many short sketches are versions of "You Stepped Out of a Dream," "If Dreams Come True," "Drop Me Off in Harlem," "All About Ronnie," "Tea for Two" and even "Spinning Wheel." Intriguing music. ~ Scott Yanow, All Music Guide

01 Breakthru
(Ran Blake)
02 You Stepped Out Of A Dream
(Nacio Herb / Gus Kahn)
03 If Dreams Come True
(Mills / Simpson / Goodman)
04 No Good Man
(Irene Higginbotham)
05 All The Things You Are
(Jerome Kern)
06 Wish I Could Talk To You Baby
(Leon SylversIII)
07 Grey December
(Frank Campo)
08 Spinning Wheel
(David Clayton-Thomas)
09 Sophisticated Lady
(Duke Ellington)
10 Manhattan Memories
- Bird Blues
(Ran Blake)
- Bebopper
(H. Gordon)
- Drop Me Off In Harlem
(Duke Ellington)
11 All About Ronnie
(Joe Greene)
12 What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life
(Michel Legrand)
13 Parkers Mood
(Charlie Parker)
14 Tea For Two
(Vincent Youman)


bventure said...

Thanks guairao for the excellent Ran Blake.

Also, is there anyone here associated with darkbluenotes? I noticed the message there about a private blog being set up but never got round to responding in time, went on holiday, and missed it! I was never a prolific commenter on there, but I do recall thanking wallofsound profusely for his Tubby Hayes posts! Any chance, or have I missed the boat?

Anonymous said...

From an earlier comment " posted this request at CIA".

What is CIA. Sorry to be dumb.


kinabalu said...


CIA is not what you may think, but "Call It Anything", a jazz blog.


yes, got the Jimmy Lyons on dime, so will bring it over here once it's run its course in the other place ...

kinabalu said...


yes, it went private, so I don't know what happened, though I believe I've read somewhere that it folded. Wallofsound is/was a member, so should be in a better position to tell you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comments on my CIA question.

Also, I wanted to say that until recently I had never checked out inconstant sol or ever downloaded anything from the internet. (A couple of years ago a friend gave me a copy of a Walt Dickerson concert from this site. Terrific music. Required listening in my opinion). In the last couple of weeks I accessed a couple of concert posts and a couple of OOP downloads from here. What a treat and alot of fun too.

I just wanted to say thanks very much to everyone involved in this project. Your work is appreciated.


steven1114 said...

hi, thanks for the great contribution all the time...I would like to see more DEREK BAILEY bootlegs...
esp. does anyone have the very one which is a bailey & jin kim duo at San Jose in 1989? I come to know this via some bootleg trades webpage, but never have a chance to hear this...
keep up the wonderful job!

Anonymous said...

THX for this fabulous music!

Is there a chance to see the second part of the Blue Note, Tokyo from Charlie Watts anytime soon?

That would be greatly appreciated by many of us...

Keep it up!

mel said...

Many thanks, guairao for the Ran Blake solo piano Breakthru album.

trane said...

Hallo folks, a bunch of requests, I know, but I have been looking for these for years with no luck whatsoever, so any one of them would be VERY appreciated

BLYTHE, ARTHUR 30/04/1977 Berlin, A-Trane, Arthur Blythe,as Simon Nabatov,p Dwayne Dolphin,b Bobby Battle,dr
Arthur Blythe Quartet, Live at La Villa in Paris/F, 03.03.1995
Arthur Blythe Band, Live at Utrecht Jazzfest, 04.07.2000

Carter Betty 1976 11-03 Berlin, Philharmonie, Jazztage 1976 Betty Carter,voc John Hicks,p I. Dennis,b C. Barbaro,dr
CARTER, BETTY 27/10/1978 Jazz Jamboree Festival Sala Kongresowa, Poland Betty Carter
John Hicks
Ratso Harris
Kenny Washington

Billy Harper Quintet (w/Henderson, N.T.Baker), Live in Pusan City/South Corea, 27.04.1991
Billy Harper 5tet, Live at Jazzhouse Copenhagen/Denmark, 13.02.1992
Billy Harper Quintet (w/Henderson, N.T.Baker), Live in Sydney/AUS, 13.03.1994
HARPER, BILLY 5tet, 16/03/2006 Yoshi's Oakland CA

Oliver Lake Trio, Live Jazzfest Willisau/D 1992

Roach, Max 4tet (with Sam Rivers) 1984 01-19 Studio 10 of NDR, Hamburg, Germany

Pharoah Sanders Quartet (w/John Hicks), Live in Santa Cruz/CA, USA, 20.04.1981
Pharoah Sanders Quartet, Live in Oakland, Yoshis; 980514, 15, 16, 17 (4 nights!)
Pharoah Sanders Quartet, Live at Yoshi’s Jazz Club, Oakland/USA, 13.03.2001 (14,15,16, again 4 nights!)
Pharoah Sanders Quartet, Live at Jazzcafe in London/UK, 29 & 30 04.2002

Mal Waldron Archie Shepp, Detroit Michigan September 7, 1981 (w. Debriano, Betsch, McGee)

Randy Weston/Pharoah Sanders 5tet, Live at Estival Jazz Lugano/CH, 07.01.1988
WESTON, RANDY, ROACH, MAX 04/04/1997 Festival Banlieues Bleues, Paris

SOTISE said...

Heres a wonderful concert ,by Andrew Hill& Mal Waldron , killer show..those who dont have it wont be dissapointed!

thanks to Fredito of Gateaux dans le ciel, and the original taper, trader(s)

Andrew Hill & Mal Waldron

Date: 1 July 1988

Location: Montreal Jazz Festival
La Place des Arts, Salle Port-Royal
Montreal, Canada

Label: [private recording]

Andrew Hill (p), Mal Waldron (p)

1. Duo Improvisation (beginning) 45:05
2. Duo Improvisation with Monk theme (end) 26:25
3. I Should Care (Sammy Cahn, Axel Stordahl & Paul Weston) 12:45

Quality: A

Discographical information adapted from Andrew Hill discography: http://www.jazzdiscography.com/Artists/Hill/hill-disc.htm

id like to second the request fo5r some Derek Bailey concerts , should anyone be willing to share!

Wallofsound said...

Dark Blue Notes has closed, I'm afraid. We came under attack from you know who. If you're interested in finding out what we are doing now email me.

Arcturus said...

Wallofsound, I'm not seein' an email add'y on yr profile, but am interested . . .

Jazzfan_nj said...


I would love to email you regarding Dark Blue Notes but I don't know how to go about it. Could you please enlighten me.

Thanks, Jazzfan

SpaceGenetics said...

Thanks for this amazing blog! I'm looking forward to digging in on all the great posts!!

Wallofsound said...

You can contact me at wosic5 at googlemail dot com

Anonymous said...

it's nice that you still link to my old blog "infinity in sound", but it's long gone. "lucky psychic hut" is my new home.


p.s.: hi lym, everything fine? ;)

kinabalu said...

Here's a little something for fans of Peter Brötzmann (and of Harry Miller and Louis Moholo, posted by yours truly on another blog:

(1) Opened, But Hardly Touched




(2) The Nearer the Bone, The Sweeter the Meat



lev said...

Thanks again for such a great blog!
Could anybody tell me about comming [free] jazz events at the North of Italy, please? We're going to Lake Garda (Gardasee) for two weeks between September 19 and October 3. Thanks in advance.

armando said...

kinabalu: Thanks for the Brötzmann-Miller-Moholo. Except for Alarm (with other musicians, of course) I think there is nothing easily available from this interesting trio. Thanks again!

trane said...

For Lev

Try this address


Under "news" they usually list all the upcoming jazzevents (not only free jazz obviously)

quique said...

I'looking cds of Dave Burrell..."Expansion", "Margy Pargy", and "Momentum"

albin said...

kinabalu - was about to thank you heartily for brotzmann/miller/moholo, but rapidshare's blocked it...
best regards anyway, albin

kinabalu said...


I see. That's very interesting. If you're still interested, use the email in the blogger profile, and I'll try to work out something.

olie said...

arghh, been looking for those brotzmann/miller/moholos for ages... FMP must have a full time anti-bootleg web researcher! they catch everything... maybe they could just re-issue them?

Jesse said...

Hello it's jesse again just updating the time slot for my free jazz radio show, FREE FOR ALL, which is broadcast out of madison wisconsin USA. the program is now saturdays at 4PM-6PM central and again the number on the dial for people in the dane county area is 91.7FM and the rest of the world my endulge a live webstream available at www.wsum.org we have some other programs which some of you may also enjoy, so check out the program schedule.

Anonymous said...

Can Someone Get Me Frank Lowe-The Flam-1975 Album in mp3 thank you

Anonymous said...

Great blog guys. I have some affection for IS, because it was the first jazz blog I found and - more recently - a couple of others have gone invitation only (blue notes and CIA), which you haven't.

Yay the Sol!
Yep, its me again lol.

Jason Crane said...

Hi folks:

If you like the kind of music featured here at inconstant sol, you might enjoy some of the interviews I've done on The Jazz Session, starting with the episode featured today:


Pianist Vijay Iyer navigates the stream of history on his new trio recording, Historicity (ACT, 2009). Joined by bassist Stephan Crump and drummer Marcus Gilmore, Iyer unravels and rebuilds compositions of his own, and those of a cast as diverse as Stevie Wonder, Andrew Hill, Leonard Bernstein and M.I.A. In this interview, Iyer tackles everything from mirror neurons to math jazz, Fibonacci numbers to the legacy of Roy Haynes. And he answers the question: Is it necessary to understand any of this stuff to appreciate his music?



If you like it, you might also like some of the other show I've done with folks who fit in with the music you cover on Free Jazz:

John Abercrombie

Jeff Albert

Marilyn Crispell

Satoko Fujii

Brian Groder

Myra Melford

Miles Okazaki

The Respect Sextet

You'll find a complete show archive at http://thejazzsession.com.

quique said...

Dave Burrell


serviceton said...

Jason Crane - God bless your self-promotion there ;o) - that stuff is interesting !!

quique - Respect Dave Burrell ?
Dammit, I confess I do..

Any of *these* links followed to a purchase could provide not so much bread, but at least a packet of biscuits, on Mr Burrell's table.






I don't WANT to be a proselytizing pain in the ass, but it's about respecting the artist.
If we keep just taking taking taking ("I want it *all!* for free!!") - and there will be NO next generation for us to listen to. Or we'll be listening to an ever-decreasing pool of next-generational creative music makers.
'Momentum' - Dave Burrell is in print, for what it's worth folks.
And I would like to suggest that it's worth something.

Anonymous said...

Would you please post Joe Harriott's Abstract? Thanks, amazing blog.

Bill said...

Interesting to see, when you click on someone profile, how many people are running private blogs here....

Wallofsound said...

I am sorry to tell you that I have deleted some comments. If yours was a genuine contribution I can only apologise. We have had real problems here before, and I would not like them to return.

We ask that you "Please just focus on the music, the musicians and the issues they raise." Personal attacks fall outside this range.

It is not always clear who has posted a comment, and we have had individuals taking on the identity of others and then incite visitors to the blog to respond.

May I take this opportunity to let everyone know that we post out of print and otherwise available music here. We share the music in the hope that more people will enjoy it and support the artists.

I hope my fellow contributors do not mind me taking this action.

mew23 said...

A concert performance of the late Sirone who died in Berlin last week

Sirone & Berlin Workshop Orchestra
Live at Jazz Focus Berlin 2003

Ben Abarbanel-Wolff (tenor sax)
Hendrik Walsdorf (alto sax)
Iven Hausmann (trombone)
Ulli Bartel (violin)
Christopher Dell (vibes)
Sirone (bass)
Maurice de Martin (drums)

1. [43:24]
Illusions of Reality
Breath of Life
For All We Don't Know
Free Spirits

2. [05:52]
Black Horse

Recorded at the Wabe, Berlin, on December 13, 2003. Radio broadcast

The Berlin Workshop Orchestra was a special project for the festival Jazz Focus 2003. The band was an enlarged line-up of the quartet Concord that Sirone led in Berlin for a couple of years and that recorded the CD 'Sirone's Concord' for the NotTwo label in 2003.

A portrait of Concord and a Sirone discography at



Arcturus said...

mega-thanks for posting this, mew - also for the discog - it's much better than the one I'd been looking at

came across two recent vid clips someone posted links to in one of the jazzforums:

CONCORDE im Edelweiss - XBerg (~2 min)

Auszüge aus dem Konzert vom 25. Januar 2009 in Berlin:

Sirone (bass), Ulli Bartel (viol), Michael Kersting (drums)



MICHAEL WIMBERLY - Project L'Afrique Garde (~10 min)

Michael Wimberly (drums & percussion)
Nioka Workman (cello)
Abdoulaye N'Diaye (saxophones)
Sirone (bass)

Ras Moshe's MUSIC NOW at The Brecht Forum, NYC, June 28th, 2008


(yea, that's Reggie's daughter on cello: http://niokaworkman.com/

There's a short but sweet video of Ornette's '74 band performing in Rome that might've appeared on DBN? or CIA? also available in two segments on youtube - just google Ornette & James Blood Ulmer

Anonymous said...

Have you seen Robert Levin's fascinating account of a Cecil Taylor gig in the early 60s?


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