24 October 2015

Wayne Horvitz European Orchestra ~ BimHuis ~ 4th October 2014

A very interesting set from the Wayne Horvitz European Orchestra, exploring the full scale, range and colour of the instrumentation, and making a strong case for free music rooted in big band and swing. Definitely one to return to frequently.

Another great broadcast from the Italian radio station RAI3, one of the most interesting broadcasters of jazz & improvised music.

Wayne Horvitz European Orchestra
trumpet Luca Calabrese
trumpet Eric Boeren
reeds Massimiliano Milesi
reeds Silke Eberhard
reeds Edoardo Marraffa 
reeds John Dikeman
trombone Gerhard Gschlössl
trombone Wolter Wierbos
guitar, clarinet Alex Ward
piano Alexander Hawkins
bass Danilo Gallo
drums Zeno de Rossi

Wayne Horvitz 

BimHuis, Amsterdam, 4th October 2014


  1. Thanking for posting this.

    I don't think I have seen this mentioned here, but the Bimhuis website nowadays hosts what is called "Bimhuis Radio", with live streams of selected concerts, which remain online on Mixcloud for a year. There are dozens of concerts still available for your delectation. Have a look here: http://bimhuis.nl/bimhuisradio

    The last concert streamed was the ICP Orchestra yesterday, it was an evening in honour of Misha Mengelberg, whose health sadly doesn't allow him to perform with the group anymore. The concert is not available on Mixcloud yet, but will probably be in a few days or so.


  2. @Tantris:

    Deep appreciation! Your usual outstanding contribution!


  3. Обновите пожалуйста ссылку!
