27 May 2010

Butch Morris, Modena (It) 2009. Folding Space, Modette and other Songs

Fake album n. 6!

Lawrence "Butch" Morris - "Folding Space: Modette & other songs"
recorded at Angelica Festival, Teatro Comunale Modena (Italy)
sunday 31 May 2009

running time 52'43" with radio intro and outro

An unusual project, purposely composed for this festival, focused on mixing the "expressionism" of Kurt Weill and Hanns Eisler Hanns Eisler with written avantgarde and improvisation, adding moments of Morricone's musicality. Modette is actually a theatrical work started in 1981 based on lyrics by Allan Graubard, these are supposed to be "songs" interpolated with improvisations, but I really don't get any ideal tracksplit. Also included in the folder, marked as track 00, a short radio introduction in ITALIAN with bio notes and commentaries - this intro runs for 3'35", you can skip downloading it if you don't understand italian.

Lawrence D."Butch" Morris, conduction and compositions.
Shelley Hirsch, vocals.
Shelley Burgon, harp.
Eri Yamamoto, pianoforte.
Mary Halvorson, electric guitar.
Kenny Wollesen, vibraphone and percussion.
J.A. Deane, electronics and live samplings.

Orchestra Filarmonica Arturo Toscanini, conducted by Butch Morris

FM radio broadcast
"Il Cartellone - Radio 3 Suite Jazz",
Radio 3 RAI [third channel of Italian national radio],
on tuesday 27 April 2010, 20:40 hours.


NEW LINKS IN june 4th 2010 hope everything is ok now.


LYM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sergio said...

LYM, you post only three parts. But my archiver requests more. Please, post other part(s)! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lym, this looks great, however the files are not downloading as a rar folder or FLAC files, they are appearing as identically titled files.

Bombshelter Slim said...

Is there supposed to be a "Part 4"??
Decompressing the rar file indicates a missing section! I can hardly wait to listen to this in its entirety...thanks!

Anonymous said...

looks wonderful. is there a missing 4th part (that's the message i get when i try to extract the files. thanks

LYM said...
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lc said...

thank you so much, LYM.
I had failed to record the beginning of this show on RAI3, so I'm grateful you're providing me with the means to fix my mistake.
one never gets enough Butch Morris!

Anonymous said...

I figured out what seems to be the problem: the file names are being truncated after the " ] " character as in "[Angelica Fest]"

If you simply rename the files so that they end as ".part1.rar", ".part2.rar" (etc.) everything unpacks without incident (or error).

-Davide Davidos

LYM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LYM said...

Butch Morris

Butch Morris - Modena (It) 2009 - (boot) [FLAC].part1.rar

Butch Morris - Modena (It) 2009 - (boot) [FLAC].part2.rar

Butch Morris - Modena (It) 2009 - (boot) [FLAC].part3.rar

Butch Morris - Modena (It) 2009 - (boot) [FLAC].part4.rar

Steve H said...

Thank you so much for posting this. This is such a nice package -- quality recording, great work from the featured players (I love Shelly Hirsh), and Morris's trademark sound. I've seen him several times, with very different ensembles, and I'm hooked, but I can't get out to hear things like this much anymore, so I appreciate the update.

Arcturus said...

don't know if anyone else still had problems here, but I'm unable to extract the 1st music file, "01-part1.flac" - I've d'ld the appropriate rars 2x & am still getting a "corrupt" message - everything else unpacks just fine

would it be possible to re-load that file again separately?

would love to hear this


magogiallo said...

yes even I had the same problem of arcturus, I really appreciate to listen to all the set, even because the rest is fantastic!! thank you very much in advance

ivan said...

The music is great but I also have problems with the track 1 (ERROR_FRAME_CRC_MISMATCH @ 7m 11s).


Anonymous said...

Can you repost the links.

kinabalu said...

I don't know if that one was ever properly posted. The comments read like a long litany of failed downloads.

pascal said...

Partie manquante sur Soul Seek, en MP3 hélas.
