21 May 2010

Tim Berne's "Los Totopos", Jazz Gallery N.Y.C 2010 January 7

Tim Berne's "Los Totopos"
Jazz Gallery N.Y.C. U.S.A.
January 7 2010

Tim Berne Alto

Oscar Noriega Clarinets

Matt Mitchell Piano

Ches Smith Drums

Unluckily in these days I've got so little time to write something about my new posts.
I'd like to write about all those marvellous musicians and musical worlds, and even try a little search for the titles.
Today I've got only time to do my best searching
Just a brief annotation: all the future posts (some are ready) perhaps will be without annotations.
I'm sorry, but this is to me the only way to continue to give a little contribution to this astnishing fine place.

Thanks to "punkjazz" who first posted this amazing concert on Dime.




LYM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Could you please re-up part 3? I keep getting a message that the requested data isn't available on any servers. Thanks.

Arcturus said...

this looks great! antoher recent show . . .

don't believe I've encountered Oscar Noriega before - looking fwd to hearing this, lym

donc said...

Nice looking post but links 3 & 6 are not happening.
Could you please repost.

thanks don

Sergio said...

Please, reupload part 3 - it unavailable, and it's so pity!

Unknown said...

Yes, there seems to be a problem with part 3. Thanks for posting all this, can't wait to hear it when it's all available!

LYM said...

I'm so sorry!

Iìm goin' repost part 3 (and 6?) in the next few hours.

I think that the music will be worth waitin'!


hulaboy said...

Part 6 seems good, LYM -- just looking forward to Part 3. Thanks for sharing this recording!

joesh said...

Well, I don't about other people but I get error messages for 1, 2 & 3 (5, 6 & 7 no problems). Look forward to a repost so that I (we) can hear this bit of music.

Thanks for the post.

LYM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hulaboy said...

Oy vey -- now there's a message for Part 3 saying the file is no longer available!

Unknown said...

Still getting "content not available on Mediafire" error for part 3. Weird. Your blog is great. Will try other recordings and keep an eye out for this one. Thanks for putting all this great music up!

Sergio said...

Oh my God! Again Third part of archive is not available! Help!

Anonymous said...

I'm having the same problem with part 3 that others have reported. On the other hand, the 3 or so songs which will unpack correctly from the remaining parts are really excellent, so I'm hoping that the poster will ultimately succeed in uploading the missing portion. Great stuff; thanks for sharing it !!


Anonymous said...

Any update on your efforts?

LYM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lc said...

hello LYM,
I'm afraid to say but it looks like this new (?) link for part 3 is not gonna do it either. it would not be a bad idea maybe to reload part 3 on rapidshare or megaupload for example.
thanks for your effort.

Sergio said...

Maybe it's a joke, but olny part 3 is deleted or unavailable. LYM, please, help! Maybe really only this part you can upload on Rapidshare or Megaupload? Thanks for your efforts.

LYM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hulaboy said...

Thank you thank you thank you thank you!

Sergio said...

At last, I've got it!
Thanks, LYM!!!!

cianix said...

Sorry LYM, There is an error with the first archive: Track Berne2010-01-07set1track03.flac is broken.
Please, can you reupload?

LYM said...


Tim Berne - (2010) Jazz Gallery N.Y. 2010-01-07 - (boot) [FLAC].part1.rar

Tim Berne - (2010) Jazz Gallery N.Y. 2010-01-07 - (boot) [FLAC].part2.rar

Tim Berne - (2010) Jazz Gallery N.Y. 2010-01-07 - (boot) [FLAC].part3.ra

Tim Berne - (2010) Jazz Gallery N.Y. 2010-01-07 - (boot) [FLAC].part4.rar

Tim Berne - (2010) Jazz Gallery N.Y. 2010-01-07 - (boot) [FLAC].part5.rar

Tim Berne - (2010) Jazz Gallery N.Y. 2010-01-07 - (boot) [FLAC].part6.rar

Tim Berne - (2010) Jazz Gallery N.Y. 2010-01-07 - (boot) [FLAC].part7.rar

cianix said...

Sorry LYM, I downloaded Tim Berne - (2010) Jazz Gallery N.Y. 2010-01-07 - (boot) [FLAC].part1.rar but the file is still broken.
My track 3 from set 1 is damaged.

riccardo said...

purtroppo devo confermare :

"! C:\Documents and Settings\riccardo\Desktop\Tim Berne - (2010) Jazz Gallery N.Y. 2010-01-07 - (boot) [FLAC].part1.rar: CRC errato in Berne2010-01-07set1track03.flac. Il file è danneggiato."

prova a riaploadare solo la traccia3 del primo set.

Bhowani said...


Thank you so much Lym

everything is OK for me

you have to open the file containing set 1 track 3 with 7-zip and extract the track 3 !

I've checked it out : works fine

Thanks again LYM for your effort !

cianix said...

I've no succes with 7zip too.
Please, can you reupload the first part of archive or the track Berne2010-01-07set1track03.flac ?

LYM said...

Here is Tim Berne's track 3 of set 1.

Hope everythins wil be ok this time

Tim Berne2010-01-07set1track03.flac

cianix said...

thank you very much LYM

Everything is OK for me.

lc said...

thank you so much, LYM.
I was finally able to extract most of it using SimplyRAR which, as a MAC user, I usually never do and with the single posting of track3 from set1, it finally made my day.
thanks again.

joesh said...

Well, thanks for the re-post except I'm still going round in circles. Track 3 set 1 broken etc. I can't seem to get anywhere, maybe someone could explain. There's also a few other broken links - it seems.

I also don't see how you can upload one track and somehow open the rest? My RAR expander needs all the files to complete the action - that's how the system works.

HELP ..... please.

joesh said...

p.s. It would also be helpful to know where the track 3 set 1 is (in the RAR files). All I know is 1 to 7 RAR .... but which one contains t3 s1, I know not. This way maybe the problme could be solved?

screwgun said...

gee...I wonder why I haven't made a studio record in 7 years?
Tim Berne

llyfre said...


Any chance of updating the following file:

Tim Berne - (2010) Jazz Gallery N.Y. 2010-01-07 - (boot) [FLAC].part6.rar

The mediafire no longer has this rar

Unknown said...


JRAC said...

I woudl really appreciate if someone can upload
part 3 and Part 6 of this wonderful piece of music.

Great blog. Thanks to all involved!



Ernst Grgo Nebhuth said...

My appreciation for the new link goes to mew23: 1fichier

francisco santos said...