17 December 2022

TOWERiNG iNFERNO feat. ELTON DEAN :: Kaddish (TI Records 1993)

I came to this album as it features Elton Dean, John Marshall and Chris Cutler on some tracks.

"Towering Inferno's album Kaddish, which was released by Island Records in August 1995, is an emotional epic spanning 75 minutes and evoking the darkest hours of the Holocaust, as well as the tranquil beauty of European folk music and Jewish prayer. Featuring the voices of acclaimed Hungarian folk singer Márta Sebestyén and Hungarian performance poet Endre Szkárosi in a 'punk/folk/metal/Jewish/classical opera', it tackles the thorny subjects of repression and survival, both past and present." -- www.soundonsound.com

22 tracks, total time 74:52



  1. FLAC


  2. I purchased this when it was initially released as a pal of mine, Lee Cantelon, was the person who signed TI. I haven't listened to it in at least six years, so this is a wonderful reminder. Thanks so much for posting it.

  3. many thanks but, please, do not use 1fichier, it's really complicated from some countries access to it!

  4. @CICCILLO: In which country are you? I can use ulozto.net, but I know it is blocked in Germany.

  5. I'm in Italy, here 1fichier is blocked, so I have to pass by proxysite and then waiting for a long time, anyway it's complicated but not impossible, in my blog I use mediafire from many years without problems.

  6. Is mediafire keeping inactive files? And thanks for telling me about your blog!
