3 January 2016

PAUL DUNMALL & TONY LEVIN - Vortex 21.1.95

PAUL DUNMALL - tenor saxophone
TONY LEVIN - drums

1. First piece  32:07
2. Second piece  10:13

Vortex, London. 21st January 1995

I just found one of my cassette recordings which I hadn't digitised. There is a big exclamation mark on the cover!  Watch out!  This is tremendous stuff!  Enjoy!


  1. ADrive
    (First time with ADrive, let me know if there is a problem. Thanks)

  2. I THOUGHT there still might be a couple! Great photo!

  3. Much thanks for the post, Andy. ADrive worked fine for me.

    Regrettably my Chrome browser says the files for the Directors/Union Tavern post are malicious so I've not dl'd them. Curious if anyone else had that issue.

    Cheers and thanks for the seemingly endless posts featuring Mr. Dunmall.

  4. Terrific stuff. Thanks Andy. ADrive worked like a charm and was fast as greased lightening. Jay

  5. @ kingpossum. Thanks for that. I've been having similar problems from other sites. I usually go to downloads > recover malicious file... but I understand your reticence. Was the problem from both Gamefront and 1Fichier? I notice there is an issue with Gamefront today with a big red warning page. I'll try and get the Directors on ADrive and see if that's any better for you, but it's very slow to upload to and I've got to get to work...

  6. Thanks a lot, Andy! The right way to begin the New Year!
    Please take a look at my very late comment on Tapestry Bishop's Castle.
    ADrive and Mega are OK for me! Better than Gamefront and 1Ficher, they don't work with the fantastic JDownloader 2.
    Have a great 2016!

  7. fantastic stuff! cheers Andy

  8. Hi Andy,
    Wow another Dunmall - Levin duo. Vortex 28/1/96 is fantastic and this concert is too ! Of course (me & my old computer) A drive doesn't work for me. Gamefront and 1Fichier still do and hopefully will do in the future ...

  9. 1f may work if you click download without SSL

    GF gives these malicious file warnings, but I think they can be ignored if the files are uploaded by us - I've never had a problem with downloading them after ignoring the warning - maybe other people using the site have caused problems

  10. Thanks for another beauty Andy. I haven't had any problems with malicious file warnings - but then I would never use a browser for downloading except in extremis - I always use JDownloader 2.
    @softnucleus - I've never had any problems with Gamefront or ifichier with JDownloader2 - puzzled why you should have? In fact, this post is downloading right now from gamefront with JDownloader 2 with no problems whatsoever.

  11. @ bventure. Oh dear, I'd never even heard of a downloader. Do most people use that? Thanks for the education. Did you get my email?

  12. Not Tony's best ever photo! Really looking forward to the music.

    On Monday I'll be presenting an academic paper on Tony's contribution to British Jazz at the OU Hidden Musician conference.

    I always use JDownloader2. A drive took a long time, but got there in the end at my place.
