12 December 2015

DAM - Radio broadcast 1986

PAUL DUNMALL - tenor saxophone
TONY MOORE - double-bass

1. 22:46

BBC Radio 3.  Jazz Today.  Broadcast 16 June 1986

I saw this trio once.  I'd seen Paul at a gig in Birmingham and he said they were going to be playing at the Oporto in London.  So, when the time came, I went down to check them out.  As I remember, the London streets were busy, busy, the tubes were packed, but when I got to the downstairs room at the Oporto pub there was loooads of space and maybe half a dozen people.  The music though was very busy, almost overwhelmingly so to ears relatively new to this sort of thing. Intense and extremely exciting.

I'm guessing I missed the start of taping this off the radio, and for some reason didn't record the dulcet tones of the great Charles Fox, which might have helped.  Paul can't find his tape of the broadcast, so unless someone else can come up with more completeness - this is all there is.  Check out some fabulous stopping and starting near the beginning.  Both Tony Moore and Dave Alexander have never really got the recognition they deserve.