20 August 2013


1.  Summertime
2.  Skylark
3.  Waltz Step
4.  Misty
5.  My Favourite Things
6.  Kansago-No
7.  Begin The Beguine
8.  Coral Spring
9.  Laura
10. Bley's Triad
11. Home On The Range

Gary Peacock, bass
Masahiko Togashi, percussion
Masabumi Kikuchi, piano

Recorded at Onkio Haus, Tokyo, on 1-2 April 1994.

Aeolus – AJCD-S002, 1994.

CD Rip


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Was very excited about this (Togashi is awesome), but that retarded Jarrettesque singing in the background absolutely ruined it for me. Bummer that I can't get past it as there's obviously some great playing there. Gary's solo bass track is worth a listen at least.

  3. Brother Jason has a good point. It's tragic that players such as Cecil Taylor and Keith Jarrett cannot keep their wretched mouths shut while playing. The audience is interested in their piano work not their vocal masturbation.

  4. yeap, that drunk crazy cat singing is a bit annoying)) and the music is great meanwhile) by the way, it is some sort of a reunion album after their "Poesy - The Man Who Keeps Washing His Hands" 1971 release and you know what i think, it is great, that Togashi had so many devoted friends in music, who were with him and supported him for so many years during his long musical career, that's for sure/
    thanks much, Nick!


  5. Thanks for this! The singing is, well, the singing, but that's what Kikuchi does.

  6. Hi Nick, could you re-up this please, i just can't get enough of Masahiko Togashi, thanks

  7. Togashi fix!! That it! More to re-up! Thanks!

  8. Thanks Nick.
    I come backwards to this highly fruitful Kikuchi/Peacock relationship from Tethered Moon. Funny I initially had a similar distraction from Bud Powell's vocalisations. Oh, and i had some adjusting to do to audience noise on live recordings, breath grunts, moans, all that...
    After all, the musicians are putting up with it and each other themselves! One might ultimately ask things like...well,...can we have Herman Blount without all that Saturn stuff?
    Love it or leave it, I'd say. Kikuchi did some gorgeous work on a Helen Merrill all-star disc some time ago. The guy obviously can't avoid it.

  9. i am sorry but GameFront do NOT work for me can you please change provider...Big THX !.....

  10. GameFront is a little strange.
    A click on the word "download now" doesn't work, but a click on the arrow works for me.

  11. I'm sorry,too: GF doesn't work! could you please re-up with ZS or 1fichier? Infinite tks for every pearl you've given us!!!

  12. can yo re post this one please ?...it deserves to be alive....
    Big THX !!!!.....

  13. Dear Sirs, may I ask you to repost this very interesting album. Thanky you very much.

  14. Hello, please could you climb this interesting disc again ??
    Many people in the jazz you will thank him ....
    GF link does not work
    Greetings and thanks for so much music

  15. adding another voice to requests for re-up - thanks

  16. Hand up. I'd love this too if some kind soul here can re-up

  17. Big fan of all three musicians and would love to hear this. I checked and it's out of print and now going for around $90 - sadly a bit out of my price range. I was sad to hear Kikuchi passed right as I was starting to appreciate his sound so trying to find as many of his recordings as I can. Also looking for the disc he did with Gil Evans if anyone has that.

  18. This is so hard to find. Hope someone can re-up. Many thanks!

  19. please re up if any one has this one

  20. Can you please repost? Thanks!
