27 August 2012




Byard Lancaster, alto and tenor saxophone, flute
Sylvain Marc, Fender bass
Steve McCall, drums


A1. McCall All
B1. Flore
B2. John III

A1. Us
B1. Just Test

Recorded at Palm Studio, Paris, on 24 November 1973 by Jef Gilson.

PALM 8 & 8bis

Note: The 7" (8bis) was originally released as a bonus to the LP.




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for a welcome upgrade. Very sad we will never hear new material, but this is a great way to remember him.

  3. So glad to have this. And with the 7" too. A very much appreciated offering. Thank you.

  4. Thanks for an opportunity to hear a new (to my ears) BL recording. Much appreciated!

  5. onxidlib, thank you for this great surprise. I have looked for this for some years, then I forgot it. I think that Steve Mc Call in that period was really great. I remember him telling me he had recorded a solo record that was never published, but I can't remember if it was for Palm or Futura. Anyway I'm really happy to have the opportunity to enjoy this!

  6. Bozo remembers the same thing:that there was a solo album by the great Steve mcCall on Futura. But if it was never released he wasted a lot of time searching for it! Met him at a Braxton show in DC in '76: the band was Lewis,Abrams,Holland. those were the yabbadabbado days, indeed!

  7. Thanks for this great share I have it in MP3 but the opportunity of an upgrade is fantastic and especially with 7" cover.

    1. Thanks for remembering Byard Lancaster. I saw him a number of times in Philly in the late 60's. He will be missed.

  8. R.I.P....
    Thanks for this wonerful and very rare album...

  9. beautiful--thanks for this gem, onxidlib

  10. thank you both for the Byard Lancaster LPs. Greatly appreciated - not only by me it's nice to see. :o)

  11. Hi, would it be possible to re-up this one sometime. Thanks


  12. Chiquilicuatre y Zappa20 June 2015 at 18:41:00 CEST

    please re-up

  13. kinabalu:

    Thanks and gratitude for this re-up!

    All My Best


  14. Chiquilicuatre y Zappa26 July 2015 at 09:59:00 CEST

    Many thanks

  15. Many thanks kinabalu for these two Lancaster reups!

  16. looking forward to checking this out. thanks!

  17. Any chance of a re-up of this one from one of you kind folk

    people have gone looney tunes over at discogs so this is now impossible for mere mortals to buy used.

    Big Steve McCall fan - recall hearing this eons ago and would love to revisit

  18. I'd like to please second the reupload request, thank you!

  19. Just want to share a strange memory about Byard Lancaster. It was probably around 2009 or 2010, at this time he was coming back in France sometimes because he was recording for the french label "Heavenly sweetness" and giving some concerts. Really you can forget the records he have made for this label. But I remember that I meet him in the famous Parisian store "Paris Jazz Corner", there were some connections between this store and the label previously mentioned. So he was in the store, walking around the lp and cd, he had his flute in his hand and sometimes was just playing a bit. Most of the customers seems absolutely not interested by him, probably because they didn't really knew him. I thought it was incredible that a guy who have made some great records, who have recorded with Sunny Murray but also Bill Dixon, could be ignored by some jazz customers. Me I was just able to say hello to him and told him that some of my favorite records of him were "Us", "Exodus" and "Mother Africa", I was too shy to ask him questions about his recordings and all the musicians with who he have worked.

  20. This is great !
    Thanks so much
    John A

  21. Really appreciate the reup, thank you so much!

  22. @correct silence, thanks for the Byard Lancaster memory. It’s funny, but here in America revered jazz performers are ignored all the time. We’ve always believed, based on testimonials in the press and from the players themselves that Paris was an oasis where they were treated as celebrities and given lots of opportunities to perform. It’s sad to learn that’s not always the case. Where can they go now? At least there will always be a warm place for them in our hearts. If I ran into Byard in a record store I’d have a hard time leaving him alone! I believe they call it ‘fanboy’ syndrome.

  23. @Rev.B
    You are right, after the events of May 1968, there have been a sort of cultural progress with the creation of the free press in France like "Actuel" and in the same movement labels like Byg, Futura Palm (Chandar have been created earlier). At this time many Americans musicians came in Europe in general and in Paris in particular, this lasted for around ten years. In the early eighties this great period have disappeared. My memory of Byard Lancaster was from few years before his death. Through the ignorance of his person by the customers of this store I also mean the ignorance of this golden period. Even Byard Lancaster himself had to record bad soul jazz records for the label heavenly sweetness, 30 years before he was recording those great albums for Palm in the same city.
