12 December 2011

COMPANY 1 [Altena - Bailey - Honsinger - Parker] (INCUS, 1976)

For the first concert COMPANY was Maarten van Regteren Altena, Tristan Honsinger, Evan Parker and myself. On the following day the same four musicains taped the music from which this first COMPANY record was chosen. Altogether we recorded a number of duo pieces, all the possible trio combinations, and also a quartet. The music on this record represents the four trio combinations and is the result of each trio taping approximately twenty-five minutes music out of which one 10 to 12 minute piece was in each case chosen for the record.
Usually in making a selection from recorded group improvisation the choice of the material to be used is based on a communally agreed verdict as to which music is 'the best' of that available. In this case, with the permission of the other players, I was the sole arbiter and made the four selections without consulting the other three as to their preferences. In my choice I was guided by one specific criterion; I chose that part of the music by each trio which seemed to me to be most characteristic of improvisation and which best revealed the qualities which can be found only im improvisation. (Music and text by Mr.Bailey [rip provided by Nick & posted by me...])


COMPANY 1 [Altena - Bailey - Honsinger - Parker]

Maarten van Regteren Altena, bass
Derek Bailey, electric & acoustic guitars
Tristan Honsinger, cello
Evan Parker, soprano & tenor saxophone

A1. No South [DB/MA/TH] 10:21
A2. No North [TH/EP/MY] 08:18
B1. No East [TH/EP/DB] 10:30
B2. No West [EP/DB/MA] 10:04

Recorded at Riverside Studios, London, UK on 9th May, 1976.


(lp rip)



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. huge thanks for posting this, one of the best of all Company albums, and not re-issued. Open textured and high-tension playing by all concerned.

  3. Much surprised and shocked on listening to this at first time. I'm wondering why this marvellous work has not been reissued in CD.

  4. Oh wow. Thank you thank you very much. Super combination in this recording.

  5. Thanks a lot! Love these Company sets.

  6. I've just noticed that the flac files in this set are wrongly labelled. Track one is No South, track 2 is No North, not the reverse.

  7. Hi glmlr

    Could you email me, please? Its all to the good, I promise.


  8. Sounds beautiful. I'd love to hear #2-4, although my xmas is already an embarrassment of riches. Salut!

  9. WOW.. COMPANY on Flac! thanks!!
    Have a nice christmas, man!!
    Fabio, Roma

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. onxidlib, could you re-post this please?

  12. Shall do a re-up as soon as possible - maybe I have to do a new rip....
