2 July 2009

Betty Carter Quartet - Live in Rome '79

This was the first time I saw Betty Carter in person
and since that evening i've always thought that she
has been the greatest jazz singer after Lady Day : i
had the occasion of listening in concert to E.
Fitzgerald,S.Vaughan,C.Mcrae,J.Lee etc. etc.,
but no one never impressed me as Betty that night.
I hope you could enjoy the recording.

Rec. live at the "1st Women Jazz Festival" in Villa
Borghese, Rome, Italy, on July 5th, 1979
(mics recording)

Betty Carter,vocals
John Hicks,piano
Curtis Lundy,bass
Kenneth Washington,drums

01. 'Round Midnight (05:39)
02. No More Words (04:03)
03. Deep Night (02:00)
04. What's New (07:42)
05. The Trolley Song (03:27)
06. I Think I Got It Now (03:14)
07. Droppin' Things (05:50)
08. Medley :If I Should Lose You /Just Friends/I Should
Care/All The Things You Are/Unknown/Star Eyes (09:44)
09. Open The Door (04:48)
10. My Favorite Things (01:47)
11. This Is Always (04:24)
12. Swing Brother Swing (03:15)
13. Every Things I Have Is Yours (07:30)
14. Sounds [Movin' On] (20:45)

Total Time 1:24:16


  1. lame (192 MB) :

    flac (509 MB) :

  2. Thanks for sharing this.I had the good fortune to see her on several occasions in washington d.c. back in the 70's with john hicks.Every performance amazed. Irreplaceable.

  3. Man, you sure have been fortunate to have been right up front for a lot of history. Thanks as always for sharing you good fortune with all of us.

  4. thank you, thank you, thank you.

  5. Thanks Riccardo, Betty Carter's group with Hicks is one of the best in jazz history!

  6. I can't thank you enough. I have been scouring the blogoshpere for Betty Carter recordings. She was far and above the greatest jazz singer of our time. I had the good fortune to see her live a couple of times. She left us while she was still in her prime. There is nobody that I know of who even remotely approaches her.

  7. I'd agree, Carter and Hicks are very hard to beat. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Thanks for this excellent recording of the incomparable Ms. Carter.

  9. Hey there!! That be a young Curtis Lundy with the great lady in the photo..Had the oppurtunity to hang with the man whilst he was in London..She was more than a bandleader..She was an educator of young musicians such as Curtis..Art Blakey may be a better known incubator of young talent but Betty was right in that tradition.

  10. To tell you thank you, it's so irrelevant for what you are sharing. Mrs Betty is incomparable. On Sarah Vaughan biography, someone called her as "jazz singer"; she denied and replied that Betty Carter was the one.

  11. Was fortunate to see Betty Carter several times in her lifetime. Actually saw this band in 1979. Please know how much I appreciate your generous sharing of music in this blog.

  12. much appreciated. i never saw Betty Carter but mention her name in certain circles and people get very excited. thanks for sharing.

  13. Thanks a lot.
    Betty Carter is my favourite. I know I'll have a great time listening to this concert.

  14. Track 10: The first song in the ballad medley is " If I Should Lose You".

    Thank you for the wonderful post.

  15. Crazy about Betty, from early on all the way through; saw her whenever I could, outdoors and in clubs like the Vanguard--she was always tops. Thanks so much for these live shows.

  16. Wow, thank you so much for helping keep the music of Betty Carter alive!!! A world treasure for all time, her music will help us all keep things in perspective -- so much joy and beauty to be had and made by everyone.

  17. Thanks for the share riccardo! Betty is irreplaceable!
    Track 10: the remaining unknown song is "I Didn't Know What Time It Was".

  18. Thankyou for this! Living in Australia & NZ, I never had the chance to see Betty live, but I'll always be listening to her and her fantastic bands. A great singer, leader, educator and, above all, musician - hearing her for the first time ('Droppin' Things' on afternoon radio at work!) really did change my life, still can't believe she's gone ...

  19. I used to read, and download from, Inconstant Sol six years ago. I never posted, even though I was very impressed by the people who did.

    Five years ago I had a stroke. (I am 49; the stroke was suffered when I was 44.) When I got out of the hospital nine months later, very much damaged, I thought Inconstant Sol was gone. Now I think Inconstant Sol was fine all along; it was my mind that couldn't track it down.

    Recently I discovered Inconstant Sol again, like a long lost friend coming back. This time I will introduce myself, now that I don't take communication for granted.

    Of course, my first stab at communication here is going to ask: can I get a re-up for this? Betty Carter is wonderful.

  20. Good to have you back in action, Scraps! Here are links to the desired item:


