19 November 2008

John Carter-self determination music (Flying Dutchman FDS-128)1970,FLAC and 320kbs lame

Serviceton..a friend in Melbourne ,sends his regards AND another wonderful contribution.
thank you ServicetonThe following are servicetons thoughts on this great record.
" I meant to write a little bit along with the last Carter / Bradford post (Secrets) back in July.
I’ll add a couple of comments here..
I love this record.
For me, it’s an absolute knockout. As with Secrets previously, it’s the 2nd side that rises to the heights of greatness, but the whole album is really good.

It’s the first tune, the most “Ornette-ish” piece, that for my money is the weakest thing on the record. But make no mistake, even this is a good performance! Although there are other things going on as the piece builds, at least thematically, it’s *really close* to a Coleman / Cherry harmonised line. Thus, maybe the most ‘derivative’ thing on the album.
Those listening will immediately notice the sound of 2 bass players, combining and complementing beautifully

Eye of the Storm is the sole Bradford composition, and shows this group doing something original, involving and absorbing.
After the quiet intro by the 2 bassists, the whole band kicks in with a wonderful sense of drive and energy. The theme is inventive and individual - far fewer *echoes of Ornette* on this. Bradford solos first, and at length, with control and invention, as the band build the intensity. Freeman is fantastic in being “loosely tight” and driving at the same time.

Loneliness, which begins Side 2, for me, is the highpoint of the album. Just a beautiful, haunting piece of music, with an inspired level of musicianship from all.
Both leaders double - Carter plays flute for two sections, Bradford, glockenspiel near the beginning. The 2 bass players, as before, weave around each other magically. Those missing the sound of Carter’s clarinet, just listen to his opening notes on alto saxophone here – the strength and purity of tone enough to make you regret that he later gave up that instrument. A slow and spare mini-masterpiece..

Encounter is a driving free-form cooker of a piece. With more of a complex compositional interplay between the horns, and an odd time signature, this is slightly off-kilter and driving at the same time. Freeman is again (as throughout) fantastic in ‘making this go’. The group dynamic is wonderful, all the soloing is strong (including Carter on tenor), and the thing finishes beautifully to round out a really satisfying record.

Worth Noting: -
For a well-known clarinet player, Carter plays a lot of saxophone on this album! There’s no clarinet at all. But some flute, as per above..

The only bass player listed on the sleeve is Tom Williamson. There’s clearly a 2nd bass player throughout - who plays really well. I’ve read informally in a couple of places that the second bassist is Henry Franklin, who later appears as one of the bassists on 1972’s ‘Secrets’

There’s a reasonable possibility that the 1st track is mis-titled on the cover and *should* be called ‘The Sunday Afternoon Jazz Society Blues’. At least, it is labeled that way on my promo LP label. Sounds kind of snappier that way...

Sound of the rip from vinyl is pretty much ‘untreated’. The most egregious clicks have been manually removed, and I chopped between-the-tracks noise. Maybe chopped too savagely, I don’t know. NO musical information has been cut.
So, if you’ve got FLACs, you can treat away, equalize, and noise-reduce to your personal preference.
To my ears at least, the sound is crying out to parametrically remove that constant background vinyl’shoosh’ throughout, and maybe clean up a couple of other spots.
If you’ve got MP3s, sorry - what you got is what it is..
Having said all that, the sound is pretty good.

And the music is wonderful.
Hope you enjoy too."


  1. Self Determination Music’ Flying Dutchman 1970.

    FLAC links are these



    MP3 LAME @320

  2. Great to see some John Carter! This stuff is very dear to me as I wrote my Ph.D. dissertation on Carter's music. BTW, the second bassist is indeed Henry Franklin (and Bruz is incorrectly listed on the jacket as "Buzz").

  3. This is a gem; again thnk you so much

  4. I really like this record, too, and I'm glad to have the upgrade. I gotta say, though, that the sound of this rip is excellent. All of the disclaimers had me worried, so I ran the FLACs through a noise reducer (Audacity), but it didn't sound as good as the original rip. The vinyl sounds are minimal, so anyone who is holding off on this for sound quality reasons really need not do so!

  5. Really looking forward to listening to this.

  6. Hola.
    A mi también me ha gustado este disco. Es posible que peque de perfeccionista pero lo estoy limpiando más de lo que estaba, solo me queda el último tema, cuando termine lo subiré a la red y os pegaré aquí el enlace.

  7. he bien sotise, merci beaucoup pour ca :)

    i had no idea "encounter" was that old... really no idea. makes me think - but i'll keep my thoughts to my place later on, rather than "inflicting" them on others here...

  8. oh cent..c'mon ,your thoughts are as welcome as anyone elses..
    thanks for dropping by..

  9. Hola.
    He limpiado un poco más el disco y aquí tenéis el resultado:
    No ha quedado perfecto pero algo mejor sí que está.

  10. Many thanks!! This is one hell of a blog...Quite unique..Look forward to more of your postings.

  11. Does anyone by chance have Castles of Ghana they would like to post? Also, what happened to the Tapscott/Blythe-Bush Baby posts?
    Thanks once again for the music.

  12. DON ...
    bush baby/ tapscott is still here

    someone beat me to castles of ghana its been
    shared by zebtron ..go to call it anything... contributions 6 or perhaps 5.
    i have to respect their wishes not to link them directly..

  13. Oh, that's so strange. I swear that the other day when I would click on that entry, it would just go to a blank page. Who knows. Thanks for responding, and pointing me to Castles of Ghana.

  14. The "Castles of Ghana" is actually in the Contributions 4 list. Those lists are scary ... pure overkill! You can get lost in there ...

  15. i'm a new to this blog and that's my first comment
    thank you guys very much for all this wonderful music
    if it wasn't from you i had not a chance to get those rerities here in Ukrane

  16. Everytime i do see John Carter's record around i start to miss him stronger. Thank you

  17. What a surprise.
    Thank you very much for this wonderful, rare music. I had a really hard time looking for Brandford/Carter records

  18. Thank you very, very much for the share of this hard-to-find album.

  19. Looking forward to listening this record. I adore Bobby Bradford. I discovered him on a David Murray record "Death of a sideman" which I strongly recommend.

  20. Listening to my vinyl copy right now. A wonderful album. Nice to finally know who the 2nd bassist is.

    Interesting to contrast the versions of "Sunday Afternoon Jazz Society Blues" and "Encounter" with the versions - 20 years later - on the HatArt CD, "Comin' On."

    I had the pleasure of seeing Carter and Bradford in '86 with Fred Hopkins and Andrew Cyrille; one of the high points of my experience of live music.

    Now, what's keeping the two Flying Dutchman LPs off CD?

  21. Hi @ raleigh95 if by any chance he/she reads this comment so many years later.

    I'd love to read you dissertation on John Carter if possible. You can always contact me via my blog.

    Thanks in advance.

  22. Would really to hear this one. Can we have a new link please?
