4 January 2021

Reform Art Unit - Suite for Clifford

MC: GR 78402 /RAU 1008
CD:  GR 78003

in Nickelsdorf
12 September 1978

Clifford Thornton - Valve Trombone, Percussions
Fritz Novotny - Soprano Sax, Flute, Percussions
Paul Fields - Violin, Keyboard, Alto Sax
Walter Malli - Drums, Soprano Sax


  1. https://www.mediafire.com/file/q6xvpkve8t55cz2/SuiteforClifford.rar/file

  2. this is excellent, thanks for posting.

    technically wouldn't the group be Three Motions (Fields, Novotny, Malli)?

  3. Wow this is a great share as Clifford has pointed out. Thank you!

    BTW - yes this release / group should be named as Three Motions. But apparently the musicians didn't care too much.

  4. At least the added picture is from a CD. It has a SPARS code with AAD.

  5. in fact in this page is listed as a Three Motion album and as cassette:
    but here is called Reform Art Quartet, and is a CD:

    their discography is very confused, with many reissues in different format and often with different title.
    we have to take it so

    I am glad is appreciated, more RAU coming in the next days

  6. after comparing the two above mentioned pages I made some changes at the info in the post

  7. Great share Corvimax
    this music is never boring, always fascinating.
    In my opinion "three motion" is more appropriate because the personnel is the same as the lp "impressions" recorded around at the same time.

  8. This is a great post corvimax.
    Thank you.

  9. Thankyou corvimax - an interesting release!
    It is sad if - as correct silence mentioned on another post - Paul Fields passed away mid-pandemic, Novembet last year. His website is still up - I'd never seen it before, and did not know that he was into natural healing, vibrational therapies and was also a conjurer!

    "Als spiritueller Lehrer und Trigonomistischer Schwingungsmeister...
    Ah, sehr gut

    Do we take it that it is likely Novotny playing (what sounds like) a small wooden flute during the opening Part 1 - he then seems to run through an effect to double-track it in Psrt 2 ?
