21 November 2018

Muharram 1392 (Sagittarius A-Star 2011)

Sagittarius A-Star, SAS #17
Released 2011

A - Untitled    
B - Untitled    

Hartmut Geerken, Hubertus von Puttkamer, Michael Ranta, Omar el Hakim, Salah Ragab

Recorded February 17, 1972 in Heliopolis, Egypt.

this is all info on the lp, nothing else found online
cover is from discogs. I still dont know how to take a picture of a shiny black cover


  1. https://www.mediafire.com/file/8l3saprbfn6j1yk/Muharram1392.rar/file

  2. Searching on the title, I found, among other things, this on Soundohm:

    "Almost sold out in pre-sale, act fast! As this album is a treasure, a minblowing reissue (dated 1972) of an intense, spontaneous droney improvisation and the complex Michael Ranta's chiming rhythms interlaced with trance-alike collective passages. It’s a monster! ""...tomorrow i will send you the CD of a very strange anarcho spontaneously improvised sound tableau. it is one of the very first musical projects with Ranta, when we met in Egypt in 1972. i didn't listen to this stuff since it was recorded & i was surprised myself ! nearly 40 years after ! the title is the first Muslim month of the year & the number behind is the Muslim year of the recording, that was February 17, 1972, which was the first day of the Muslim year. salam aleik." mahmoud 'ibizibaz' susu"

  3. corvimax,thank you for this again very hard to get vinyl

  4. Totally out of time and out of style, that's the kind of records that I appreciate very much, thank you Corvimax

  5. does anyone have The Geerken Box

  6. brian, from what I can see The Geerken Box is a collection of three sagittarius album: SAS #15/16/17
    17 is Muharram 1392, I dont have 16, but I have 15: Hartmut Geerken - Brasilia In Waitawhile.
    If you want it I will share it here

  7. Hi Corvimax
    I'm not Bryan but I'm interested by Hartmut Geerken - Brasilia In Waitawhile

  8. not my rip, everyhing seems fine.
    no piano here, only percussions and voices

    Hartmut Geerken - Brasilia In Waitawhile (Mae Oxum)

  9. thank you Corvimax, very different than what we can expect from Geerken.
