6 April 2018

CECIL PERCIVAL TAYLOR - 25.03.1929 - 05.04.2018




  1. Very sad news; CT's music and poetry had a profound impact on me, perhaps more than any other musician.

    RIP Cecil, and thank you.

  2. Just when I checked if my post appeared correctly I saw this news, one of the last pioneers of our music is gone, rest in peace Cecil. The last time I saw him on stage was around ten years ago in duet with Tony oxley in Antwerp

  3. Yes: very sad indeed: the last of the great old heroes is gone. Cecil always continued on his own path, no sell-outs: which puts him way up there at the uppermost pantheon of the great and beautiful ones. His music lives on forever! Thank you, Cecil!

  4. Cecil Taylor was important in two very real ways for opening up my ears. Of course, his music, which can feel like having taken a dose of LSD and can flip you jazz lid. Also, he came to a small town in Ohio to teach while I was running the record store. Suddenly everyone coming in wanted jazz, and I don't mean Spyro Gyra or Average White Band. The real stuff. Note Cecil loved great music by folks who are easier to embrace... Betty Carter, Sonny Rollins, Red Rodney are just a few examples. I was already hipped to Trane, but this was a wonderful opportunity for me to open up my understanding while serving the community by getting a solid collection available for people to choose from. No musician myself, but there are some great videos on YouTube which show how Cecil helped students figure out how to bring their inner music up to the surface... and he had a very real impact on the music overall. A few to check out who were heavily influenced by him include Marco Eneidi, Glenn Spearman and Raphe Malik. Also check out the Cecil Taylor "All the Notes" video for some more understanding of Cecil and the way he created music. one part = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oiJMXAgZR0&list=RD3oiJMXAgZR0&t=12
