16 October 2016

Okkyung Lee Septet / Fred van Hove & Els Vandeweyer duo / Donaueschingen, 15th October 2016

Two sets from this year's Donaueschingen festival, broadcast by SWR2.

First, Okkyung Lee's septet, which brings the kind of freshness and zest to free music that makes you sit up and think - I haven't heard anything quite like this before, and I want to hear more! Pansori is probably an acquired taste, (but then I did spend about two years of my life listening to little other than Chinese opera), but the music itself is remarkable;

Okkyung Lee - cello
Song Hee Kwon - Pansori-Sängerin (musical storyteller)
Jae Hyo Chang - percussion
John Butcher - saxophone
John Edwards - bass
Lasse Marhaug - electronics
Ches Smith - drums/percussion/vibraphone

"Cheol-Kkot-Sae" (Steel Flower Bird) (38’04”)

Donaueschingen; 15th October 2016

Second, a lyrical and shimmering duo with Fred van Hove and Els Vandeweyer;

Duo (44’45”)

Fred van Hove - piano
Els Vandeweyer - vibraphone

Donaueschingen; 15 October 2016


  1. SWR2 will probably have a video of the concert here, or an a similar page.

    Okkyung Lee Septet

    Fred van Hove & Els Vanderweyer

  2. Wow - thanks for these Donaueschingen concerts.
    A friend of mine is visting the festival for two days.
    We talked about the then upcoming Okkyung Lee concert.
    I expressed my disappointment for not being able to attend the concert....
    Now I shall give him a critical review of the event when we meet during the next few days ;-)

  3. Hi Ernst - let us know what you think of the Okkyung Lee, and what your friend thought of the concert, if you have time.

    I have the other concerts that SWR2 has broadcast, if there is interest, although the focus is more on contemporary classical than free & improvised music.

  4. Thanks a lot for the concerts. It´d be wonderful if you post the other contemporary music concert

  5. I just listened to both of these and they are each beyond incredible. Really highly advanced and creative improvisation. Thanks for posting!

  6. This is why we love you so much! Thank you for bothering to share these excellent musics.


  7. Haven´t hear the second part, but first is very beautiful. Thanks Tantris!

  8. thank you Tantris, the Okkyung Lee part is a jewel, downloading now the second part

  9. After listening four times to the Okkyung Lee concert I can say I really enjoy the music.
    The Korean musicians and the Western ones have a good rapport.
    The only - minor - quibble on my side would be the part where the voice is treated heavily with some electronics.
    It's from 13:10 to 13:30. Not that I do not like the treatment.
    But it seems somewhat "cheap" compared to the music before and after.
    I know these effects from my time when I was active in music myself.
    It has a certain attraction , off course.
    Thanks once more for the music.
    Haven't met yet my friend. Shall add his opinion later after meeting him.

  10. That's interesting, Ernst. I listened again this evening - I think the distorted electronic voice is a bridge between quite a sombre, slow introduction, and a much faster, electronic section, where the Pansori voice turns into a series of high frequency electronic pulses. The cello then seems to find a way to allow the Pansori to return. Maybe - perhaps I'll listen again and change my mind.

  11. Yes it' obvious that the distorted electronic voice functions as a kind of transition between the two parts.
    But as mentioned before I've think it's not the most elegant mediator, IMO.
    Listened once more to it.
    At present my main impression is of a music which manages to create a common space for different musical traditions.
    I have a fondness for Pansori since I discovered it some 30 years ago.
    It is not Pansori as far as I can tell. But Song Hee Kwon's untreated voice has a strong resemblance to this Korean tradition.
    I would like to know wether the lyrics are genuine Pansori tradition or invented by Song Hee Kwon and/or Okkyung Lee.
    However - the music's proof how far the genre of "Free Improvisation" (incl. composed material or not etc. etc.)has come.
    Maybe it's no wonder as "to improvise" but also "to compose" is a natural human quality.
    To me the music sounds quite 'natural' - despite it's highly artificial character. I enjoy the clearly discernible sense of adventure.

  12. While browsing through an old hard disk I just stumbled upon
    this concert recording that fits in here nicely:

    Fred van Hove Ochgot Octet - Live at Jazz Middelheim Festival
    in Antwerp, Belgium, on August 15, 2011

    with Els Vandeweyer (vibes), Peter Brötzmann, André Goudbeek,
    Evan Parker, Ken Vandermark (reeds), Bart Maris (trumpet),
    Ivo Vander Borght (drums, perc)
    Live stream of Radio Klara, Belgium, in mp3@96 :-(


  13. Thanks, mew23 - it does indeed fit in well, and sounds very good.

  14. Here's the first of some of the other concerts from this year's Donaueschingen festival. This one was the closing concert for the festival, was one of the more successful (IMHO), and includes;

    Elliott Carter: A symphony of Three orchestras
    Franck Bedrossian: Twist für Orchester und Elektronik
    Georg Friedrich Haas: Konzert für Posaune und Orchester

    SWR Symphonieorchester / IRCAM
    Mike Svoboda (trombone)
    Conductor: Alejo Pérez


    I'll post more as and when time permits. There was one glitch with the first concert that SWR2 broadcast, which was a 5 second drop-out in the middle of the new piece from James Dillon - I wonder if anyone has a clean recording of this?

  15. OK, another offering from Donaueschingen 2016 - this time it is the festival's opening concert on 14th October;

    Jan W. Morthenson:
    Omega for orchestra

    James Dillon:
    The Gates, for string quartet and orchestra

    Martin Jaggi:
    Caral for orchestra

    Klaus Schedl:
    Blutrausch for orchestra & electronics

    SWR Symphonieorchester
    Experimentalstudio des SWR
    Arditti String Quartet
    Conductor - Pierre-André Valade
    Donaueschingen; 14th October 2016

    The Dillon - ironically the piece I was most interested in from this year's festival, as he is a composer I've followed for years - has a five second dropout just before the 16' mark, which I have edited out. A bit annoying, but it's a minor blemish. Nevertheless, if anyone has a clean recording of this piece, I'd be very grateful for a copy!


  16. Quote: "The Dillon - ironically the piece I was most interested in from this year's festival, as he is a composer I've followed for years - has a five second dropout just before the 16' mark, which I have edited out. A bit annoying, but it's a minor blemish. Nevertheless, if anyone has a clean recording of this piece, I'd be very grateful for a copy!"

    Here is what i recorded, worst quality i guess, but perhaps complete:


  17. Zeb - thank you very much - it sounds very good indeed, and is free of the glitch that affected the broadcast I was recording. Great to have a complete version of this piece.

  18. Could you re upload this please? The Zippy links are dead.

  19. Okkyung Lee's recording from Donaueschingen will be released this May on Tzadik.
