22 December 2013

Stan Tracey-Louis Moholo-live in Novara Italy 2006

Here's another great Stan Tracey Broadcast , originally taped and shared by Dimer Survivor69 (many thanks to him), a duo with Louis Moholo , in beautiful crystal clear sound , again largely freely improvised,though i have a suspicion that the last piece is a blue notes tune, but i cant quite nail it !
A marvellous show which at times strongly evokes Moholo's Masterful FMP duo with Keith Tippett.

Novara Jazz : Stan Tracey & Louis Moholo duo 

Recorded at Auditorium Fratelli Oliveri del Conservatorio Guido Cantelli, Novara (Italy)
on sunday 30 April 2006, for Novara Jazz Festival 2006
Stan Tracey, pianoforte - Louis Moholo, drums

nine unannounced (and unknown to me) tracks, for a total of 58'56" see FFP for sequence

FM radio broadcast by "Il Cartellone - Radio 3 Suite Jazz", Radio 3 RAI [third channel of Italian national radio], on wednesday 9 August 2006, 22:00 hours.

duo piano-batteria proveniente dalla storia del jazz britannico, comunque lontano dal soul aframericano (nonostante moholo sia sudafricano), solo verso la fine ci si interstardisce in fastidiosi fraseggi accademici-classici, quasi contemporanei, ma specie nei primi brani vi si trova anche adeguata cadenza. Tra Jarrett (con molte meno note) e Tippett, con un occhio ad Evans...

Lineage (FM > MD > CDR > wav's > web):

notes by Survivor69


  1. Thanks very much Sotise!

  2. Superb, I have the cd they made together which I really enjoy,so I am really looking forward to this.

  3. Excellent. Many thanks for sharing.

  4. Been listening to Stan and had this on my hard drive.
    Any other shows of Stan out there?


  5. A bit more music with Stan Tracey.

  6. Re-upped

