13 September 2013

CERCLE. 1997


TONY OXLEY, drums, perc

1. 2:38
2. 5:01
3. 3:05
4. 5:46
5. Tony Oxley interview  8:25
6. Tony Oxley solo  4:28

BBC Radio 3 'Impressions'.  Broadcast May 1997

Short but potent.


  1. Thanks. Oxley's rarely less than potent.

  2. Andy, I would love this, but unfortunately Gamefront doesn't work here...

  3. Thanks Andy, and i love the painting.

  4. @ softnucleus. Rapidshare is down at the moment,how about Mega

    @Howard. Hi. Yes, Oxley's painting. I like it too.

  5. Thanks again.

    I like the gamefront option... Relatively fast and unlike Mega and most others not pushing a virus with the set. Even lets one download multiple files at once. If RS didn't throttle everything to gain "members" I'd like them more.

  6. It's ok! Great Andy, thanks a lot.

  7. Thank you Andy!
    I have a recording of the same group from New York a few years earlier which I git from a costumer in spring.
    He gave me several tapes and the one with Cercle was the only one without proper dates...
    But the sound of the others was quite great - CT, AEOC and Evan Parker with Braxton, Lovano etc.
    Maybe I should give it a try as well...

  8. Yeh Onx, dig it out. It would be good to hear more from this group. Best wishes.

  9. The new RS (as of Friday 13th!) is now giving me, a free user, a download speed of between 3 and 7 Kb/s. Thus a 250mb download will now take about 12 hours.

  10. Truth has been revealed. 'New' does not mean 'better'! Quite a shock to see time from rapidsh. calculated in days and hours. Though yesterday there's been a hole in their dlds and they worked like I were paying. They surely want to punish us!

  11. Thanks, and thanks for the Gamefront link! I too found that RS was downloading at 7 kb/s.

    I saw Cercle in NY at the Knitting Factory once. Perhaps it was this show? http://www.nytimes.com/1998/01/16/movies/pop-and-jazz-guide-098795.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm

    About the right time frame for me to have gone though it's after this concert rather than before. As I remember Glawischnig was playing a Disklavier rather than a piano for some reason; he didn't seem to get a very electronic sound. I also thought Oxley was dominating the proceedings though perhaps I wouldn't think that if I heard it again! Anyway I don't know how often this lineup played in New York.

  12. Hi Andy, could you please add new links to this post, thanks

  13. Hello! unfortunately the links don't work. please reup. Thank you.

  14. Thank you very much! Would be very appreciated the other CERCLE files.

  15. Hi Ernesto,

    the other Cercle is on its way - probably tonight ot tomorrow night I'll add the new links.

  16. Thanks Ernst! but i'm with problems in to download from 1fichier... i'm trying... Anyway, thank you very much.

  17. Unfortunately, ifichier doesn't allow for free use anymore and none of the payment method work for me, I'm not European. Perhaps it would be time to find another file service.

  18. Hello.
    Haven't tried to download this file but in relations with the last comment about 1fichier I can say that their attitude is not correct. Since few days they deliver a message saying that if we don't pay the service will disappear and most of the time access to the download page is impossible. I got in touch with them asking them to have a clear attitude, if they don't want to provide a free service they have to explain it clearly. Since today access to the download is possible again but each time the process of download is interrupted before the end. So yes I think it is time to consider to post the files in another place.

  19. I think the issue is that 1fichier lost their business with credit card companies, so they fear they will lose income, probably that they really rely on their services to make a living, so we must pay them. But, if we take my case, I don't even own a credit card in the first place, so my option would be to make a bank transfer to them, but I have no idea how to do that. Normally in my country, if I want to transfer money to somone's bank account, we use interac transfer with the person's email address. But this IBAN thing, where do I enter these numbers? It's the first time in my whole life that I see such a thing.


  20. Strangely, I had difficulty accessing my own uploads at that site yesterday, but today I was able to download one of these files. Looks like they haven't made up their minds about how it is going to be like in the future.

  21. Nick uses AdDrive and it is very reliable, it even starts automatically, you don't have to do a thing, isn't that swell enough or what?

  22. In fact as I say I was in touch with the person of 1fichier this morning and even in our private conversation his answer was not clear. He told me that the right attitude is to pay for a service and I told him that users don't wait from him to become a guiding light about what is right or wrong but we want a clear attitude, not that kind of situation when sometimes it is possible to download and sometimes not or just a partial download and a message telling you that you have to wait 236 mn for the next download because you are a free user.
    Adrive is good, mediafire too, zippy share also but I think that zippy limit the weight of the files up to 200 m.o.
    Sorry to post this message without a word about the music but I haven't download it.

  23. Could somebody repost a few Tony Oxley gigs currently unavailable, like the ones w/ Cecil Taylor?
    Also, if somebody have more live shows available with Steve Noble on drums, it would be great,

  24. Hi Dronsz - which Oxley gigs do you mean. If you could providd links to the respective posts it would be really helpful.

    This post's link is still valid. Go to the comment from 13 December 2016.
