1 July 2013


Happy Canada Day - Part 4

A1. Ruby My Dear
A2. Grease Lightning
A3. Stonehenge

B1. Euclid
B2. Over The Rainbow
B3. Meditation

Al Neil, piano, vocals, tape

Music Gallery Editions ‎– MGE 33

Vinyl Rip


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I've never heard of Al Neil, looks good!thanks

  3. I saw him play around the time this came out, in Ontario: he was under the influence of whatever, and played "Ruby my dear" over & over & over & over, sloppily. I have a distinct memory that he was claiming -- or maybe it was just loudly rumoured by others -- that he was dying of a brain tumour & this was a final "tour" of the country. But it wasn't really so. It was an enjoyable evening

  4. Fellow Music-Lovers, I know next to zero about Al Neil, but many years ago there was a fair amount of coverage of him in "CODA" magazine. One obscure, yet legendary figure that jazz and its relatives has too many of!

  5. Hi Anonymous,Great story, just saw it after my comment was sent; can you remember more about the show,and what you knew about him, and the Canadian scene in general.Wasn't there a great drummer up there named "Ranger"? Thanks.

  6. Quick, there is one used copy on Amazon- Someone grab it!

  7. That would be Claude Ranger

    Larry Dubin, who played with CCMC was also awesome and there are still sealed copies of CCMC LPs and tapes and his memorial LP at Polyphasic Recordings

    There is a compilation CD of Al Neil's at his drummer, Gregg Simpson's website here. It appears he still even has some sealed copies of Boot & Fog, so I will delete the links.

  8. My evening has been greatly enriched;those links lead to some heavy stuff! Maybe someday I can get the Ranger sound-clips to play!
    Go Canada!

  9. It figures I saw this post too late. Guess I won't be playing this on my radio show until I can save up some money to buy it. Too bad. I think my listeners would have enjoyed it. But, I don't get paid for my show, and don't have money to buy records/CDs most of the time. I don't feel that I am "stealing" music buy obtaining it in this manner, as all of the music I download goes on one of my radio programs. Thereby exposing it to many others, some of whom undoubtedly WILL have the ability to open their wallets, whip out their credit cards, and buy to their hearts' content. Sadly, I'm not one of them. I guess one really does have to check this blog every day. Because one may only have litterally hours in which to grab something before someone finds a reissue on some obscure foreign label. (No, I'm not complaining. Just stating a fact). Oh well... Maybe when the used copies run out, someone can post it on here again. But knowing my luck, I'll miss it yet again. Story of my life.

  10. They are new sealed copies on sale and, since he played on the LP, Greg still should get the chance to get paid for them.

  11. I don't disagree with you, Nick. And I stand corrected about the condition of the LPs. I'm sure they will sell quickly, judging by the positive comments on this blog alone. I only saying publicly that I was/am sorry that I won't be able to share this music with my listeners. While I am not so conceited as to think that I have the most listeners of any progressive/avant-garde jazz radio show in the world, I do know that folks are listening. I also know that several listeners have either downloaded some of the LPs I've shared from this blog, or, they have gone out and purchased physical copies. So, who knows? I may have been able to help sell one or two of those Al Neil records. And, while I respect that they may be "on sale", when you are on a limited income as I am, you put many other things first before buying records. Still, I love ding these radio shows. So I am grateful to the handful of record labels, and the handful of blogs like this one, who make much of this music available. Like I said, I'm just sorry I missed the boat on this one. I love music for piano and tape.

  12. This is a very interesting case-study of the typical issues facing blogs of this sort. IMCO, being available on-line for a while would probably spike the sales of his remaining stock. But, Did anyone ask him, maybe he wouldn't mind.
    They used to say that Keith provided rare stuff to the 'leggers!

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  15. If someone have the file of this lp (boot & fog) and can re-post it, it would be much appreciated.
    Here is a fantastic concert that can be purchased at bandcamp in relation with Al Neil
    The music is superbe, deeply original and the price of the download is ridiculously low so don't hesitate.

  16. There's a recording with Al Neil available.
    Highly recommended > https://conditionwestrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/al-neil-trio-retrospective-1965-1968-disc-one
    And the LP is also still available > http://www.greggsimpson.com/Vinyl_Ordering.html
    Scroll to the end......

  17. Yes Ernst, Retrospective is interesting, it is after this discovery that I wanted to go on with this post because this one seems to be the last recording of Al Neil, if you have the file it would be great to re-post it. I really suggest you "collage for AL Neil" also on bandcamp posted in my preview message, the music is absolutely great and Paul Plimley pay a great tribute to Al neil
