20 November 2010

Elton Dean's Ninesense - Live in London '79

I hope this is still inedited for the Blogland.

Rec. live at "100 Club", London, England, on March 5, 1979
(mics recording)

Elton Dean,alto sax,saxello
Alan Skidmore,tenor & soprano sax
Mark Charig,trumpet,tenor horn
Harry Beckett,trumpet,flugelhorn
Radu Malfatti,trombone
Nick Evans,trombone
Keith Tippett,piano
Harry Miller,bass
Louis Moholo,drums
Jim Dvorak,trumpet (2nd set only)

1st set :

1. Oasis_139 (35:22)

2. Sweet F.A._Seven For Lee (32:04)

2nd set :

1. Nicrotto_Mark's_First Born_Bounce (58:09)

Total Time 2:05:36


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. marvelous lineup, thank you so much! -MB

  3. That is the best christmas present I've ever had, and it's not even christmas yet!

    Fantastic, I have to say that this is one of the best 'modern jazz' groups from the 70s to come out of the UK scene, along with Harry Miller's Isipingo. I saw this group on this tour up in Lincoln, absolutely amazing.

    a big thanks.

  4. Thanks. This should be nice. What a lineup.

  5. and how about that lineup?? ;)

    thanks, riccardo, this looks to be a gob-smacker for sure

  6. Only just got round to listening. Great show. Really enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Hi Riccardo,

    please take a look at "What a long, strange trip...".

    There is a mail from Hazel Miller et.al. through Michael King/Reel Records concerning this post!

  8. "Hello inconstant sol. My name is Michael King and I am contacting you on behalf of the widow of Elton dean, Marino Dean, Hazel Miller of Ogun Records, and Riccardo Bergerone who privately recorded Elton Dean's Ninesense at the 100 Club, March 5th, 1979. This recording was sent to me by Riccardo towards a 3 disc set that my record 'label of love' Reel Recordings is producing this year. How it reached inconstant sol I have no idea, but this recording, properly remastered, will be released as 2 cd's along with a dvd of Elton's Quintet. Certainly you can understand our wish to have this download removed from your site. Please contact me at miking.reelrecording@gmail.com with your response. I appreciate your attention to this. Best wishes, Michael King/Reel Recordings. "

  9. Elton Dean's Ninesense - Bracknell '78 is at http://hotfile.com/dl/106551464/5765fa5/Bracknell.rar.html

  10. I appreciate very much Mike King's label Reel Recordings. I can assume he does a wonderful job by releasing many forgotten and hidden treasures (go here to see : http://reelrecordings.org).
    If he writes to say he will release this recording "properly remastered", you should remove it immediately from your blog.

    Moreover, I had downloaded this recording some months ago, and despite the very good sound quality, it suffer from many flaws (dropouts, cuts etc). So I can't wait to see a cleaner version. We should all do everything we can to encourage Mike King to release it officially.


  11. Hi Folks. It's coming very soon on Reel. http://www.reelrecordings.org/elton_dean_ninesense.php

  12. New link https://mega.nz/#!7EIm0awA!8RxIi5nt2yMYKAHnadGGwmQ-A8ibNORkGHq73RTAD58
