20 April 2008

James Carter Quartet - Marseille 1995

Serviceton wrote:-

"JC fans should enjoy this concert of his quartet from 1995 (No organs here though!)Nearly 2 1/2 hours of music.Sound is a good-ish audience recording
MP3s - LAME 320


Details got left out of the RARs and are copied verbatim here

"James Carter
Espace Julien

November 2002

James Carter - soprano (#02), alto (#07, 08) & tenor (#03-05, 09, 10) saxophones
Craig Taborn - piano
Jaribu Shahid - bass
Tani Tabbal - drums

1st Set (58'39)
01 - introduction - 01'01
02 - 1944 Stomp (D.Byas) - 14'49
03 - - 11'01
04 - - 14'34
05 - The Stevedore's Serenade - 17'13

2nd Set (79'44)
06 - introduction - 00'39
07 - - 24'12
08 - The Intimacy Of My Woman's Beautiful Eyes (J.Carter) - 23'20
09 - Worried And Blue (D.Byas) - 14'22
10 - JC On The Set (J.Carter) - 17'10

Total Time: 138'23
This from a torrent - "berbilbe" is the credit-worthy individual

Hope someone enjoys."

Many thanks to serviceton for upload
19 April 2008 16:50:00


  1. Yes, I picked this off Dime, too. I was wondering if it was the same guy as in the previous post, so glad to have it confirmed.

  2. thank you - this looks like a great one. can't wait to put this on. I actually like Carter's acoustic bands more than his organ trio stuff so I'm really looking forward to this one (and a great band here too - Carter's band for a number of years). that said, I love the organ stuff too, no doubt. as long as James is out front blowing his aggragate mess of horn, I'm happy. a side note, that may interest no one, but I was lucky enough to see Carter's organ trio with David Murray guesting at Yoshis a few years back. now that was some horn playing. like 3 hours a night (and I went a couple of nights)of 2 monsters trying to rip each others heads off. thanks for the post serviceton.

  3. Greetings -- I'm having trouble with the part 1 link. Could you verify that it works correctly? I saw James Carter at the Village Vanguard around this time -- a great show! Love the "Real Quietstorm" album, I believe some of his best playing!!!
