28 January 2008

more live jan garbarek 1969-71

our friend 'intempestif', brings us a couple more great concerts by jan garbarek's classic early 70's quartet.

this is the group that recorded the ecm classics, sart and afric pepperbird.
great stuff THANKS...intempestif!!!

here they are in chronological order

Jan Garbarek Quartet
Studentby Sogn, NorwayJuly 8, 1969

Jan Garbarek (ts, cl, bss, fl, p)Terje Rypdal (g)Arild Anderson (b)Jon Christensen (d)
Track 1:Karin's Mode (J.Garbarek)Daydream (B. Strayhorn)
Track 2:Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt (P.Sanders)Capricorn Rising (P.Sanders)
Track 3:SmÅ’tt (J.Garbarek)SAS 644 (J.Garbarek)

jan Garbarek Quartet
Stadt TheaterBremerhaven, GermanySeptember 26, 1971
Jan Garbarek (ts, bss, fl)Terje Rypdal (g)Arild Anderson (b)Jon Christensen (d)
Track 1 [31:08]Song Of Space (J.Garbarek)..............12:02Afric Pepperbird (J.Garbarek)...........11:58Fountain Of Tears (J.Garbarek)...........7:08
Track 2 [23:57]Vips (J.Garbarek).......................11:47Rainbow (T.Rypdal).......................3:39At Det Var (J.Garbarek)..................8:31

these are wonderful and give us a rare glimpse of this group, playing other peoples tunes- the pharoah sanders medley is definately worth hearing!

intempestif said... 'Here are the links:
Jan Garbarek Quartet - Bremerhaven 1971http://www.divshare.com/download/3584964-5b2
Jan Garbarek Quartet - Sogn 1969http://www.divshare.com/download/3584963-858 '


  1. This is awesome. Thank you!

  2. I am just devouring these Garbarek posts...great stuff from his most exciting period. While I really dig the stuff he did with Jarrett and some of the later 70s ECM stuff, these early performances are incredible. I recommend some of his commercially available stuff like Sart, Triptykon, Afric Pepperbird... I really like Dis as well, very dark stuff.

  3. Thanks to impestif and sotise for bringing us these great examples of Garbarek's early work.

  4. One is so used to Garbarek as the astringent Norse Sage that it's surprising to be reminded that he could blow. Thanks for the history lesson, guys!

    --and thanks to inconstant sol in general for so many nice, nice posts. Those Joe Harriotts I just found complete my set, pretty much. Check out _Fire in His Soul_ by Alan Robertson, anyone who's into him.


  5. Many thanks for these!!

  6. Hi!
    Just found yor blog and these Garbarek shares, I have been diggin his Witchi-Tai-To album a long time and now it´s great to finally hear some of his live material. I saw that there´s a Jan Garbarek and Bobo Stenson trio live share also in your site, this looks very promising! THANKS!

  7. Hi, many thanks for your Blog in general. This post is great too 'cause it shows that Garbarek is a great musician. I never liked Garbarek's playing. Lots of my friends love him and toture me with his music. I really sort of hate him. I wonder how such a person appears on a blog with otherwise good and tasteful music. I give it a try and now I understand it's only the soft and smooth later work of him I execrate. This two live sessions I really love. I must hear the early work in the other posts. Thank you very much.

  8. Check out Terje Rypdals free-jazz trio Min Bul on http://savagesaints.blogspot.com/2009/10/min-bul-1970.html.
    Min Bul did a live-in-the-studio concert on Norwegian TV in 1970.
    Rypdal was still using his Rickenbacker guitar, played with a violin bow, among other things.

  9. I discovered Rypdal & Garbarek at the 'Sart' album, when I had to drive 100 miles to a record store that carried such oddities.

    I got to see Rypdal once in 1972, on an ECM tour that also featured John Abercrombie and Colin Walcott. Terje played thru a tiny amp, mic'd (a common practice now but unique at the time). He had the biggest guitar sound I'd ever heard--then or now.

    I'm very excited to hear these live recordings. Thank you so much!

  10. Damn, these are fine! There is more audible guitar work by Rypdal in these two shows than on any five official releases.

    Thanks again!

  11. Thank you so much!

  12. Hi friend. I just discover your blog! Could you pls re-up the second garabrek's concert? Tks! - Carlos

  13. HEY!
    PLEEEEASE Re-Up the Jan Garbarek/Terje Rypdal at SOGN STUDENTBY in ex "Zippyshare" or "Mega".
    This one DON't Work!

    Being a Native Oslo-man spending a lot of time i the Sogn Studentby facilities in my youth, make this a very special thing to add into my Music-libary!

    Thank You so Much for The Baden-Baden 1971 Freejazz- BONANZA!
    Those links were exellent, and fast downloaded; so when the "Garbarek Live at Sogn 1969" turned out to be a dead link, was a bummer-GALORE!

    All The Best
    Oslo-Native Music-Lover. Collectoer and Enthusiast

  14. @Oslonative, good to see your enthusiasm for early Garbarek. I can easily share that sentiment. I have found the files, also for Bremerhaven, so they should be up in a little while. Keep in mind that we have also posted "Til Vigdis", Garbarek's debut and a concert recording from the Moers festival with the Triptykon lineup, but I haven't checked whether the links are still operative. All the best from a compatriot in the west.

  15. New links.

    Oslo 1969:

    Bremerhaven 1971:

    These were originally posted as mp3s, but I found an alternative lossless source for Oslo 1969. The Bremerhaven 1971 is in mp3, as was the original post here.

  16. I didn't check these out until after the links had died. While looking for another Garbarek release today I found myself back here and new links! I am looking forward to hearing these. This band was a killer! Many thanks.


  17. Thanks for the new links, but sadly they do not work as A-Drive says it is associated with a private account. Can anybody help?

    BTW, I posted an upgraded non-mp3 Bremerhaven 1971 0n Dime a while back, which is a combination of a recent digital broadcast and an FM source. It is still live here...


  18. The thing is that I forgot to renew my subscription to the Adrive service which has resulted in my account and the files therein being in so-called maintenance mode which is, I guess, IT speak for temporarily inaccessible. The subscription has been renewed now so it should only be a matter of time before they are available again. If not, I'll post them elsewhere.

    Of course, feel free to post your Bremerhaven upgrade here.

  19. I lodged a complaint against the Adrive service provider about the situation and I can report back that the files are now accessible again.
