23 October 2014


Jimmy Owens, trumpet, fluegelhorn
Åke Persson, trombone
Albert Mangelsdorff, trombone
Eric Van Lier, bass trombone, tuba
Gerd Dudek, tenor saxophone, clarinet
Emil Mangelsdorff, alto saxophone, flute
Jan Konopasek, tenor & baritone saxophone, flute
Attila Zoller, guitar
Don Friedman, piano
Barre Phillips, bass
Stu Martin, drums, percussion
Albert "Tootie" Heath, drums

Disc 1
01. Meet in Berlin (A. Zoller) (first version) 4:32
Solos: Zoller, Emil Mangelsdorff (as), Owens, Dudek (ts), Friedman

02. Contrasts (D. Friedman) 5:07
Solos: Friedman, Persson, Konopasek (ts)

03. Flute Blues (A. Zoller) 7:07
Solos: Konopasek (fl), Emil Mangelsdorff (fl)

04. Dreambells (A. Zoller) 6:12
Solos: collective, Zoller, collective

05. Change 'Em Up (J. Owens) 7:42
Solos: Konopasek (ts), Albert Mangelsdorff, Zoller, Friedman

06. Three Times, One Theme (A. Mangelsdorff) 10:55
Solos: Albert Mangelsdorff, Konopasek (bs), Zoller

Disc 2
07. Alicia's Lullaby (A. Zoller) 8:08
Zoller, Phillips, Heath only. Solos: Zoller, Phillips

08. Danzig Suite (A. Zoller) 10:08
Solos: Albert Mangelsdorff, Zoller

09. Spring Signs (D. Friedman) 12:23
Solos: Friedman, Phillips

10. Three, Four, Five, Six (J. Owens) 11:49
Solos: Dudek, Friedman, Owens

Recorded on August 31, 1967 at the Grosser Sendesaal des Sender Freies Berlin, Berlin.

Produced by Hans Gertberg.
"Dreambells" and "Alicia's Lullaby" are included on the LP NDR Jazzworkshop '67 (NDR 599 865).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. One of the best Jazz Workshops, thanks, Bill!

  3. Thanks very much for this NDR Workshop.

    There is another one with Attila Zoller (No. 56 - March 29, 1968)
    as well as a few more interesting late 60ties ones, i.e. No. 45
    (THAT BLUESY SOUND - April 22, 1966), No. 57 (PRESENT AND FUTURE - May 31, 1968), No. 59 (THE THIRD ROAD - December 6, 1968) & No. 64 (CATCHING THE NEW ONCES - November 28, 1969)

    May the one or other of these be available to upload ?

  4. @ Rasimov - I have all the Workshops you are mentioning except No.59.
    But probably I can get 59 as well in the future.
    No. 56 and 64 are already uploaded.
    Others will follow................

  5. Great news - thank you onxidlib !

    I'm sure No. 59 is pretty good as it features the British scene around Graham Collier.

    And of course there's a lot more intersting NDR-Workshops in the 70ties/80ties, i.e. the complete recording of Brötzmann's "Alarm" Group 1981, the Azimuth Trio 1978 (No. 126), No. 103 (NEUE TALENTE, 1974), No. 107 (1975 - another feature of the British scene) etc. etc.

    No. 103


  6. Well, I didn't arrive late, 'cause I got all the fabulous sounds & solos of this magestic team. Thanks too much and congratulations for this talented work!

  7. I can't get the links for parts 2 and 3 to load. Maybe everything's on part one?.....

  8. Hi rev.b - the links do work without fail (on my side) - just tested it without being logged in.
